If they did something great with Beth's character though, I'd be happy to see it. She has potential, if they go about it the right way. The part I really don't like it how the shipper perspective plays such a strong role on Beth's potential development. I myself am a Caryl shipper, and hope they go through some sort of substantial relationship development this Sunday. But, just because I like the two of them together doesn't mean I'm going to shit on Beth's character, for [i]that[/i] reason. I don't like what they've done to her, but she definintly doesn't deserve the shit she gets. And yes, her character development is absolutely atrocious; but they have a chance to rectify that this season, and I hope they take. I really don't want to see a character that's been alive this long end up dying with very little meaningful change to her character. Also, hating/liking Eugene right now. He's such an intelligent nerd, I could 100% see a smart, but non-scientific guy pulling a facade like his off, especially if they were desperate. Also glad they're not shitting on Tara for being a lesbian. Her friendships aren't solely revolving around female character, and especially not just around Maggie. There's this really stupid preconceived notion that homosexual/bisexual women hate men (and vice versa)...I have a lot of male friends, and have had male friends of varying sexualities. Just because I fight for my gender and equality for women doesn't mean I'm going to hate men...society is too silly. Anyway, anyone else still here? I really don't want this to die, but if it does, just a head up, I'll probably restart it. Seems like midterms week was a bad week to start it up. But I'm still holding out to see what's going on.