Silus had just started eating when Atticus came up to the table, He didn't say anything at first continuing to stand there until Silus looked up from his meal. "Well Atticus, I have never really dealt with the whole recruitment process myself, nor have I heard of someone riding out to the proverbial front lines just to ask to join. But you must have some balls to come out this far, so for now take a seat, eat and I'll throw you into the test to see what you can do." He said to the man motioning to sit at the table. Silus continued his meal listening to Jagrid recalling the events from the past. "Well you know it is the best way to settle the dispute of who got the body. Luckily enough Old Heidrek crushed the fools skull so there wasn't anything to put on a pike." he stated remembering the squabbles that proceeded the battle of which army would claim the Orc "As for being appointed captain, I'm as surprised as you are. Apparently the Old man requested that I come and take over his Assault team. But I can't really complain being out here really beats my old posting. I never liked the Tachikawa coast. Sure the view is great, but you can only kill so many crabs before you get sick of seafood." Silus added while continuing his meal Chistoth sat to eat as Jack went on about the Enchantments some more, "Now that my be interesting, but how exactly does hiding your weaponry help against beasts and monsters?" he asked in between bites. "And what do you mean my Idea? I am all up for creating a set of armor, but that extra stuff is all up to you." He added while he continued to eat. As Mosh bust in Heidrek gave a grin "Aye lad, there is still some left for you, but you might have to deal with scraps!" the old Barbarian joked before motioning a few of his men over. After talking to them for a bit the men went outside to prepare for the "entertainment" that would commence after the meal.