[quote=So Boerd] 3. Just as saying "There is no God" is Atheistic. If "You die for Christianity!" Is killing for religion, "You die for Communism!" Is killing for Atheism. [/quote] Wouldn't that be killing for Communism then? I know it's a minor nitpick as Communism, at least the version you are referring to here is very atheistic. But this is like saying Christians during the crusades killed for Theism. Which would be incorrect as they were killing for their particular brand of Theism. The victims of communist dictators were killed because they believed in a god, yes, but it was the Communist ideology that led to them to be put to death not the concept of Atheism. The point still stands that both religious and non-religious ideologies have committed horrible atrocities. Religion is not required to make people into monsters, but a religious belief in anything does tend to lead to these sorts of things as it gives people a means to justify their actions, and it gathers together large groups of people who are often times supposed to unquestioningly follow a certain leader, and for obvious reasons this is at least somewhat required for most large scale atrocities. I mean religious belief here as an unquestioning loyalty to something, not necessarily as a belief in a god by the way. Just my two cents.