I'd like to join. [hider=Character] Name: Johnathan Doe ( answers to John) Age: 18 Appearance: [img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FLjJVB35ITY/TPxRu6JOm0I/AAAAAAAAAJY/CKLMXGag0Eo/s1600/anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_0010.jpg] History: When John was born his eyes had an unnatural darkness to them. The doctors soon discovered that he could see perfectly fine in darkness and in light. Time passed and John's parents still loved him for he was. By the age of 10 John knew he wasn't normal but he found that out the hard way. While leaving a mall on a late night a men came and demanded everything John's poor family owned. His dad tried to fight off the man but was stabbed in the process. The thief grabbed John's mother and tried to run but stopped for some reason. The man turned his site onto John and was frightened by the dark flames that danced around him. John without showing any mercy raised his hand signaling the flames to reach for the man. The their tried to run but as soon as the flames touched his feet he fell to the ground screaming in agony as his foot disintegrated. John's mother watched a little scared of the scene herself. John stood over the their and the dark magic flames rapped around the mans knife and floated above him. The knife came down repeatedly on the thief for about 10-15 times. After that accident his father died a few years later. Only his mother knew about his ability and decided to send him off to a school in England to master his ability of dark magic. Personality: Friendly, try's to keep his history from coming back to bite him in the ass. Ability(ies): •Dark Magic- this allows him to be nocturnal , teleport , use spells and reduce 50% of damage when fighting. Downside(s): •He can only teleport at night. •His powers are also weaker during the day. Affinity: (With or against humans) With humans. [/hider]