[center][i]History and fiction have been home to many beings of great power. These timeless souls are revered and feared, referred to by their mortal followings as "Gods." But the concerns of these simple humans mean little, even to the most kindred of deities. Instead of tailoring to the wishes of their cultists, they seek to overpower each other. Surely a clash of immortal and omnipotent beings would bring about no change. This is why the gods select or create lesser beings to represent them on the fields of battle. These "Champions" happily wear the titles of the gods into the arena, to smite the champions who would oppose them and their god. Today is a special day. For you have been chosen. So take up your arms. And fight... Fight... [b]For the Gods![/b][/i][/center] For the Gods is quite literally an [b]arena[/b] roleplay, where players duke it out for the glory of deities from history, from fiction, and from your own creation. Literally any divine (or occult) being of great power can have a Champion, and its up to you to earn honor for them in the ring! [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] Nothing too fancy here, just typical rp rules such as avoiding over-poweredness, being a dickbag, etc. Website members [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/10004]notdeadyet[/url] and [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/11442]Daglobster[/url] are Co-Gm's on this rp, so heed their word as well. [b][i]WE ARE RECRUITING! MAKE A CS FROM THE TEMPLATE BELOW AND JOIN THE FUN[/i][/b] [b][u]Character Sheet Template[/u][/b] The CS comes in three parts, one for your Champion, one for your Deity, and one for information relevant to both characters. In this roleplay, you are effectively making two characters, as it is possible for the gods your Champions represent to converse and conflict. [hider=Champion] [u]Name:[/u] obvious [u]Age:[/u] apparent age if the character is ageless [u]Sex:[/u] could be apparent sex, or the character could be sexless, if they aren't male or female [u]Appearance:[/u] obvious [u]Powers/Skills/Weaponry:[/u] anything your character does or use to engage in combat. try to keep in theme with your deity. [/hider] [hider=Deity] *Remember your god can be an existing one from history or fiction, or you can create your own! [u]Name:[/u] obvious [u]Sex:[/u] again, possibly apparent sex or sexless [u]Appearance:[/u] obvious [u]Domains:[/u] what your deity is "the god of." try to keep in theme with your champion [/hider] [hider=Combined] [u]Alignment:[/u] your god and champion's position of morals and views across the Law-Chaos and Good-Evil axis. dont think of this as a restriction on personality, but as a guide on general conduct as well as motives. two characters of the same alignment can have very different interpretations of that alignment [u]History:[/u] obvious [u]Other:[/u] anything else you feel to be relevant [/hider] [b][u]Official Player List[/u][/b] [hider=Daglobster] [b]Champion[/b] Name: Herriman The Ever-Changing Age: ageless Sex: Male Appearance: [img=http://s15.postimg.org/id8dgqkor/813994_marauder_jpg_original.jpg] Base image courtesy of google images, this image is photoshopped by me. Herriman stands at about 6"3', and his voice is incredibly powerful and throaty. His voice is multi-layered, as if there were five other different voices speaking along with his own. Powers/Skills/Weaponry: - Setrak,The Destroyer of Eternties: This axe is charged with arcane power, and is incredibly potent. Not only is the edge devastatingly sharp and weapon itself nigh indestructible, but the axe can project razor sharp waves of magic as it swings, giving it a surprisingly dangerous reach. Apart from this, the axe is also used as the focus Herriman uses to cast spells. The axe itself is also intelligent, dangerously so. It's rumored that the axe known as Setrak possesses forbidden knowledge, privy to no other being in creation. It is said that mortals killed by Setrak not only die in the current dimension they reside in, but they are also killed in all of the parallel universes they might reside in. This rumor is where Setrak gets the title "Destroyer of Eternities" -The Baleful Hide: This hide (presumably from some other-dimensional beast) projects grand powers. When Herriman wears it, it protects his whole body (even the parts it doesn't cover) like a suit of invisible, magical armor. When in combat, the eyes of the beast glow a hateful red, and a terrible growling can occasionally be heard. Apart from its protective qualities, the hide can project arcane beams of energy out of its eyes -Chaos Magic: Being a champion of The Raven God, Herriman is a potent sorcerer, but dangerously undisciplined. He furiously slings about unstable magic from his axe in the most haphazard manner as possible, making him a bit of a sorcerous berserker. -Wild Mutation: Herriman, using the power given to him by The Raven God, can alter his body in terrifying and dramatic ways. The blade arm seen in his picture is one of the countless ways he can alter his anatomy. [b]Deity[/b] Name: His true name isn't known, but he goes by "The Raven God" Sex: Male Appearance: [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/167/5/7/The_Raven_God_by_MissPH.jpg] Domains: The Raven God is the god of the multiverse, arcane power, fate, and forbidden knowledge [b]Combined[/b] Alignment: Lawful Evil. The Raven God is an incredibly calculating and scheming individual, and this trait bleeds over to Herriman. Although Herriman doesn't do much scheming, he's an abhorrent opportunist, and he's always biding his time. Herriman is generally collected and wary, but during battle, he sheds whatever caution he might have possessed earlier. In battle, Herriman is a pure berserker, endlessly pouring out punishment in ways that are punishingly unpredictable. History: Stories about the origin of The Raven God are mixed, and vary wildly depending on who you ask. Some say that The Raven God wove all of creation out of the threads of fate, and now that he's finished, he's intent on dominating it. It is said that everything that has ever occurred is part of some impossibly complex, overarching plan The Raven God has put into place to take over all of creation, even when he's defeated. Those that fanatical worship him stress that his enemies only exist because The Grand Scheme wouldn't work without them. Herriman himself has an obscure background. He was a warrior in a barbaric tribe of northmen, all who worshipped The Raven God. One day, like a baleful meteorite, Setrak came down from the heavens, landing in the center of Herriman's village. Only two men were brave enough to approach the crackling crater, and they were Herriman, and Azerath, the village's leader and a powerful warlord. Herriman was in a position to grab Setrak immediately, but after observing the axe, he stepped aside, allowing Azerath to take the axe first. As soon as Azerath pulled Setrak from the earth, he was bathed in arcane fire as the earth split from where Setrak had been removed. The flames consumed Azerath and his soul, and Herriman claimed the axe from his Azerath's smoldering blue ashes, claiming the leadership of his village and one of the most powerful weapons ever forged. As Herriman slept that night, Setrak whispered to him promises of magnificent power and never-ending glory. When he awoke, he was hell-bound on acquiring these promises. He took the finest suit of armor in the village, the finest horse, and set off to claim the hide of an unnameable beast to prove his worth to The Raven God. After twenty years of gathering power, followers, and favor with The Raven God, Herriman broke the veil between dimensions with Setrak, and unleashed the beast he had been pursuing for so long. It was one, god-like beast against a veritable army of followers, and after a battle that lasted for several days, Herriman was the one to lift the beast's hide towards the sky, and claim his place as the sole champion of The Raven God[/hider] [hider=drallinix] name: Mifune age: apparent age 25 sex: male appearance:[img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnACxKOIQy97C1EF5dqjiw5AczyfyiNX8y0APAjy8RUKyni2Mr[/img] Standing at a solid 6'1 with excellent muscle tone he has snow white fur. His eyes are a gleaming yellow and he has white fangs. On his back there is a symbol that appears on the fur in the shape of a tomoe. powers/skills/abilities: swordsmanship: He can use a katana with unparalleled prowess. He doesn't use kenjutsu instead relying on the art of Laido. When he strikes the blade appears as nothing more than a silver flash before it is sheathed once more. physical traits: He is stronger than most humans able to lift up to 200lbs above his head. Where he truly exceeds however is his speed. He can move at speeds the majority of humans cant even react to much less hope to achieve. He can dash fast enough to temporarily disappear then reappear, however he can only do this for short distances, and it tires him quite a bit. His durability is the exact same as a professional fighter. weaponry: A single katana with a few slight differences. The blade of this katana is four feet and it has a one foot handle. It has the stages of the moon engraved down the blade. It is more resilient than diamond, and it is sharp enough to cut through concrete. name: Ketsueki mūn sex: female appearance:[img][/img] domain: goddess of the moon alignment: true neutral History: she is the goddess of the moon and waves. Her chosen champion is a great samurai who she once fell in love with. So great was her love she made him ageless and her husband. Through her powers he became as he is now a wolflike being with powers mundane men cannot match. She blessed him with happiness, her hand in marriage, his immortality and gifts, and finally a great sword. In return for these gifts he has sworn to protect her and her honor. [/hider] [hider=LokiLeo789] Name: Otto Aletho Age: Apparent Age 23 Sex: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.4gp.tw/b042/1416270880406.jpg][IMG] http://www.4gp.tw/b042/1416270880406.jpg [/IMG][/URL] Powers/Skills/Weaponry: -Weak Cthonikinesis: Can conjure, and manipulate Nether, the essence that flows through the realms of the Living and the Dead. This power allows him to sever the soul's connection to parts of the mortal body, temporally paralyzing it. He can also summon and controls the souls of the deceased. -Netherkinetic Combat: Can combine Nether with Hand to Hand combat. -Hand to Hand combat: Otto is a master at martial arts, over the course of his life he has learned and mastered many different art, and he is still learning. Deity: Die'Erde ----- Name: Die'Erde Sex: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.4gp.tw/b042/1416095537654.jpg][IMG] http://www.4gp.tw/b042/1416095537654.jpg [/IMG][/URL] Domains: God of Nether, The Chthonian Element ---------- Alignment: Otto is neutral, although Die'Erde is Lawless-Chaos. Otto only seeks a worth opponent to fight and learn form, he does not like to take side in conflicts, he tends to look at a situation as if he was a bystander. History: Otto was born into a quiet family in America. Although life was quiet for Otto, he always wanted to find adventure. Unfortunately Otto's sense of adventure was destroyed when his mother was killed by his own father. He tried to defend his mother and fight his father but he failed, and his mother ended up dyeing. Instead of his father being arrested, he ran, and unfortunately was not caught. Otto was sent to his aunt's house and was adopted, although Otto had a loving family, he could not shake the feeling of complete hatred for his father. During a dream Die'Erde came to him in a dream, and promised him adventure and vengeance if he served him. Otto accepted, and was given the opportunity to kill his father, but he did not, he decided that killing his father was not worth his innocence. So Otto traveled the world, tasting, fighting and training along the way. [/hider] [hider=notdeadyet] [b][center]The Lyubov' Twins[/center][/b] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Solnechynn Svet Lyubov The sunlight girl And her twin sister: Priroda Lyubov The prodigy of nature [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Both: 18 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Both: Female [b][u]Apearance:[/u][/b] Each stands at 5'4" and have fair skin, blue eyes, and thin frames. They vary in weight, and clothing style but are otherwise hard to tell apart. (Ill hand draw them eventually, but for now, im "borrowing from google images") [b]Priroda[/b] [img=http://vaipui.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/nature-trees-dark-dress-girl-night-flowers-moon-long-haird-barefoot-pink-haird-anime-girl.jpg] [b]Solnechynn[/b] [img=http://www.listofimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/singer-girl-blonde-sun-cloud-anime-and-fantasy.jpg] [b][u]Weapons:[/u][/b] Priroda Uses a long handled brass hammer, and a bow, whilst her sister Solnechynn uses a staff with a ruby on top, or a pair of golden gauntlets, with diamonds in the palm. They each have a sickle that when put together makes a heart shapped design, capable of being used like a short sword. [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] [b]Solnechynn:[/b] The ability to manipulate and create sunlight, or wind, and to heal others with a divine glow [b]Priroda:[/b] The ability to manipulate and create the natural world (though she specializes in plants and earth), or to heal, or poison using divine potions, and poisons. Individually, their powers are not usefull, however each one is complimented by the other's powers. [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Koinonia [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Domain:[/u][/b] Goddess of friendship, compassion, and teamwork -Said to preside over the natural world [b][u]Apearance:[/u][/b] [img=http://josephinewall.net/cart/images/josephinewall-Moon-Goddess-words.jpg] [b][u]Alignment:[/u][/b] The twins seek to preserve the order of the natural world, and believe in the power of friendship, love, honesty, and teamwork to get them there. The laws of man reside little on their priority list, for the creations of man, including his laws, counteract with the natural order of the universe, and te basic nature of man himself. Though, they still fight against the idea of chaos. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] The twins were born and raised to a humble family in Russia, into a family whom had an unfortunately great many ties with Russian crime kings. What they learned from these crime kings, was that nobody alone can ever accomplish anything worthwhile, whilst fro their parents they learnt to love and respect each other an nature. They learned to fight for what they believe in, and to hold each other dearly to their hearts. When they came of age, koinonia visited them in a dream, and asked them to help her preserve the balance of the universe. Koinonia told them that only through love and teamwork like their own, could nature be preserved. When they accepted, Koinonia bestowed the powers over sunlight and the natural world to them. Ever since, they have roamed galaxies, doing koinonia's bidding, and preserving the natural world. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] They are Russian, they are twins, and they are very friendly. What more needs to be said?[/hider] [hider=Shradinger] [hider2=Champion] [u]Name:[/u] Krix Mardus [u]Age:[/u] Mid-thirties [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Appearance:[/u] 2 meters tall with the build of a blacksmith, and weighing in at over 100kg. Thick slabs of muscle coat his entire frame and are accented by a myriad showing of scars, giving ample evidence of the labors he has completed in his long life thus far. He keeps his dark hair shaved and more often than not his torso bare, save for the chains encircling it. Overall, he has the appearance of a brute and a bully, though he is generally anything but. [u]Powers:[/u] As the champion of the god of sculptors, metals, and volcanoes, Krix possesses an inherent ability to generate and manipulate the primal elements of earth and fire. This affinity grants him a high resistance to damage from flames or heat, and aids him in the practice of his chosen profession as a craftsman and warrior. He has also been gifted with potent physical boons thanks to his many centuries of service, rendering his skin as tough as iron, his muscles as strong as steel, and his bones as hard as granite. He can move with sufficient speed to outpace even the fastest chariots by double, and react in sufficient time to avoid even the projectiles known to modern man as "bullets", given sufficient space (10 meters or more). He can heal from even severe wounds in hours or days, rather than weeks or months, and his demigod physiology burns toxins, poisons, and diseases out of his system almost before they can have any effect. Even the power of his senses is not to be underestimated. He can see even minute details in near total darkness with perfect clarity, determine the properties of a material by their sound alone, smell the composition of an alloy from a dozen meters, and count the threads in fabric by touch. His endurance is likewise phenomenal, and he has been known to remain at the forge for weeks at a time without sleep, food, or rest. [u]Skills:[/u] Krix is a master craftsman, able to forge any mundane weapon or armor with ten times the speed and skill of any mortal, rendering his creations far superior to even those of man's machines and technology. While his skill is still inferior to that of his patron in the making of weapons and armor of a more divine and magical nature, there are few even among the immortals who can match him in this regard. In addition to his skill as a smith and craftsman, he has often been called upon to fight his patron's battles on the mortal plane, serving as his proxy in the great tournaments the gods use to decide the fate of their schemes. In the course of his centuries of service, he has become a highly skilled and exceptionally potent warrior, in addition to his skill at the forge. [u]Weaponry:[/u] Hammer - With a half meter handle and a ten pound head, this hammer was forged by Hephaestus himself and given to Krix as a reward for his dedicated service. While its primary purpose is to be used in the forge, it also possesses several properties that make it ideal for use in combat. Foremost among those properties is the ability to dispel and reinforce enchantments and magical energies, as well as redouble the efforts of its wielder tenfold. When used to create, it will fortify any enchantment put on the item and cause every strike to land true, and when used to destroy, it will cause ten times the normal damage of such a strike to magical barriers and crafted items, though living flesh will suffer only the force of the blow itself. No one save those chosen by Hephaestus can wield this hammer. Chains - When he is called away from the forge and summoned to do battle, Krix will often wrap his torso and arms in chains forged from the ore of a meteorite and blessed by his god. These chains are resistant to magical tampering, and several orders of magnitude more durable than even the strongest of steel. They also seem to be able to grow longer and shorter at will, though whether this last capability is due to Krix's powers with earth or inherent in the chains themselves is unknown. Greatsword - A sword sized for Krix, the blade alone is just over a meter long, and the handle just shy of a third of that length. This blade is carried on his back when going to battle, and is forged after the fashion of a leaf (similar to glamdring). It has been blessed by Hephaestus to remain always sharp and unbroken, and has the uncanny ability to disperse focused magical assaults, as well as protect the hand and arm of them that wield it. Shortsword - Short in name only, the leaf-blade of this weapon is two-thirds of a meter in length, and it is worn over the same shoulder as the greatsword. In addition to the blessings of resilience and toughness, this blade also possesses the ability to harm those beings that would normally be immune to physical damage, such as ghosts, wraiths, and various other forms of spirits and undead, as well as defend against their attacks. [/hider2] [hider2=Deity] [u]Name:[/u] Hephaestus [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Appearance:[/u] [img=http://www.greek-mythology-pantheon.com/wp-content/uploads/Greek_Gods_and_Goddesses/Hephaestus_Vulcan_Greek_God/Hephaestus_Vulcan_Greek_God_Art_02_by_HardCoreDesigns.jpg] [u]Domains:[/u] Blacksmiths, Craftsmen, Artisans, Sculptors, Metals, Metallurgy, Fire and Volcanoes. [/hider2] [hider2=Combined] [u]Alignment:[/u] Neutral [u]History:[/u] Krix was born in a small village in greece, less than a week's journey from the city of Athens, and even from a young age he displayed an innate talent for the crafting arts, so much so that this talent caught the eye of one of the gods. As the god of crafting, smithing, and metals, Hephaestus took a special interest in those mortals who showed particular promise in those fields, and even among the gifted Krix stood out as special. Slowly but surely, his favor with the smithing god grew as he continued to pursue his chosen occupation, growing so great even that he was gifted with immortality, so that his talent might not be snuffed out of the world. Even then, he rose to greater heights in skill and power as he quickly became one of Hephaestus' favored sons, those both mortal and immortal who had shown particularly great skill to their patron and been rewarded for it. For Krix, this favor meant an innate ability to shape and alter the materials with which he worked, as well as a resistance to and control over the heat and flames required for the process. Additionally, his strength was enhanced to allow greater blows and stronger creations, his speed to better utilize the long hours at the forge, and his senses to more correctly discern the properties of the materials he used and how to treat them. It was not until several centuries after the forge god first took notice of him that Krix was called to serve outside his workshop, in order to defend his patron's position in the heavens against those champions who would dare to oppose it. Despite his meager amount of traditional combat training, his brute strength, durability, and powers with earth and fire made him well-suited to the new environment, and he soundly defeated the first dozen challengers. It was not long though before he came to realize how greatly their skill outmatched his own, and so he took it upon himself to seek more formal training in the ways of combat and learn what he could before next he was called. While his skill in combat would never reach the level of his skill at the forge, he nevertheless became an even more formidable combatant as his training progressed alongside his work. When next it became time to defend the position of his god, the opponents he faced were far superior to those he had defeated the first time, yet his training paid off. He won the battles against all but three of his opponents, and those defeats only spurred him on to train harder. So he did, until the next time he was summoned to battle, then again until the next, and again until the next, all the while adapting and training to become the best among those favored by Hephaestus. He may not have understood the reasons for the contests, but he had been given great gifts by his god and he would do his utmost to repay that dept. [u]Other:[/u] To be determined. [/hider2][/hider] [b][u]NPC's[/b][/u] [hider=Saint Peter] [u]Age:[/u] Ageless, appears to be in his early thirties. [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Appearance[/u]: Peter is rather short, but the way he presents himself is anything but diminutive. Sporting white and gold robes that match his pale blonde hair and golden eyes, he's always easy to spot in a crowd. [u]Class:[/u] Champion [u]Alignment:[/u] Neutral Good St. Peter is the cheery and optimistic master of ceremonies for the tournaments held at the Castle of Champions. While he spends most of his time calling matches, he also takes care of his usual business as the gatekeeper of Heaven. On rare occasions, Peter has shown to be a Champion for The Lord himself, wielding a staff and fighting with divine spells.[/hider]