Tag team battle? Sarah paused for a few moments, sporting thoughts of them fighting against one another in the parking lot of the hotel and going home with black eyes and broken limbs. She then realized that they were talking about their handheld consoles. At that point she was just simply glad that she hadn't said what she was thinking aloud. That would have looked completely, totally, stupid. "Oh I have nothing against fun," the girl dressed as the corpse replied, "though with all of time and space at your disposal a mere visit to a diner must be such a chore. I won't mind seeing Mega-Man over here do his thing." -and speaking of Mega-man, there was now someone dressed as Zelda! She missed playing Zelda. She never had a Wii or anything like that but she found an old "Super Nintendo" machine and a bunch of cartridges. That long pink dress must have taken forever to sew up. It made her own work feel paltry by comparison. Sarah found herself really wishing that she'd worked on a different, recognizable costume from a major franchise like the fourth doctor and his scarf or Zoey from Left 4 Dead or something. "I love your Zelda," Sarah added, meaning it with total honesty and a bit of jealousy.