I think November's a big time where things just slow to a halt until all the Christmas and Thanksgiving shopping is over and people have time to relax until winter break and Christmas. Somethin' 'bout the holidays just makes people go insane. It just makes me feel extremely lazy and I'm sure it's the same with most college kids too, lol. But, I am freaking out this year 'cause I got a wedding I'm planning to go to and it's like 1000 miles away from me. Bleh. Regarding my post, it is finished, but it's on paper in my car dashboard and it's snowing outside. Like, at least it was when I dropped dead after work. But, I'm off tomorrow, so I'll fish it out and get it posted, unless you think I should wait until role call is all good and done. I just have a terrible sleep schedule and being given a morning shift makes me feel like complete shit until I've gotten a full night's sleep. I never expect it 'cause it always goes off to a good start and ends in me all shaky and about to collapse. ;_; That's what I'm afraid of concerning Beth. But, I never got a romantic/sexual vibe from her relationship with Daryl. I feel like there's a giant air of difference between how Daryl reacts and interacts to Beth and how he does so with Carol. They seem to have a close sibling dynamic after the ordeal they went through together and I think that's a good thing for Daryl, but it's kind of weird for Beth, though she has someone to confide in in Daryl, it doesn't seem much different than her and Maggie or her and Glenn. It's weird, I dunno how to explain how I feel about her and Daryl, but I have a feeling the show's more pushing for Caryl than it is..lol... lol Deth. Lol. >_> <_< Ahem. It may be me being biased cause I ship Caryl too and Carol's my absolute favorite character. But, yeah, I think they've been going in circles with Beth, with the whole, loss thing. I understand that the world is bleak and everyone has a way with coping with loss, but they already explored that with Beth and her mother and her dead boyfriend in the beginning. She didn't have much of a chance to grow from that aside from being able to push on in the prison. I think she kind of reverted back to her safe place, pre-apocalypse farm girl the moment they found sanctuary and then when that crumbled she went through the same thing she did when her mother died. Not saying that I don't feel bad for her or that I think she should buck up and suck up, but I think she should be able to at least grow from what happened instead of considering everything hopeless and considering herself as good as dead. I mean self-harm is a big issue and I strongly feel like it doesn't mean she's weak or hopeless, it just disappoints me because that's not character development... she's just stuck in the same place as before. Though, I do agree that even if she dies, they have to at least give her something. I want so much to see her grow and so much to see her live and I think from her solo episode they're definitely pushing in the right direction and I really, really want to see her being the one to save Carol and escape the compound. Would be epic and would definitely be a step up in character development, or at least lead her in the right direction. I just hope she doesn't go into a total Carol make over because they've already done that.... with Carol and it's made her such a better character, but I think that'd only garner attention once. I think they'd need to do something different with her character, though maybe similar, I don't know. I'm just crossin' mah fingers hoping they do something good for her. Then again, I may be just blabbing and spouting bs. ;_; I'm never confident in what I write and I think it shows, heh. >_> As for Eugene, I hope he's not dead, but I have a lot of sympathy for him. He's not someone who could have fended for himself and he's done what he can to survive for that long, however I don't think he understand what it means to find trust in a group, especially when you're living to deceive them. I definitely think he should take advice from Tara 'cause she knows, even if she thinks she's useless, they'll find a valid use for her and they'll treat her like family, as long as she doesn't do something stupidly traitorous. I'm not sure there's a lot Eugene can quite do to redeem himself anymore, and I think... he might be dead? I dunno. His face looked beyond fucked up and that sound when he dropped didn't sound so nice. I'm actually kinda disliking Abraham the most, though. He seems like the typical macho doucher and I'm not a fan of those types. I'm hoping they give him more redeeming qualities in later episodes cause I know he's a pretty important character in the comics. Tara's up there for my favorites and I really want to see her integrate herself into the group more and live for longer than just these two seasons. I really like her character and what they're doing with her. They don't make her sexuality her defining trait and I love that so fucking much it hurts. They pretty much just said, "She likes women, so fucking what? Get over yourselves." I personally think she's a wonderful character and I'm hoping they do so much more with her. I love that Maggie didn't just write her off when she'd told her the truth; I think Tara understood what honesty means to the group and I think Maggie's definitely warming up to her because of it. I think she's out to redeem herself, but I have a feeling they already think she's done more than enough to prove her loyalty. That's just me... they might have her do something at her behest or something and I'm hoping it's not a posthumous redemption. I hope she lives for a long ass time on the show 'cause I love her. ;_; I am, however, afraid for Glenn because we just flew by the Hunters saga and I'm just waiting for that moment where everything just falls fucking a part with the religious nuts that I have feeling they're going to introduce as the big bad this season. I also wonder what they're gonna do with Gabriel, if he's just gonna stay at the church or join the group. *Shrug* I don't really much care for him, but I'm curious as to what they'll do. They need more alive black people on the show 'cause I have a feeling after Rob it's going to be Tyreese and I'm just hoping Sasha isn't going to join them and T-Dawg. Cause I love Sasha to death as well, and I think they're pulling her down a pretty dark path alongside Rick and Abraham. Oh and then there's Michonne. Ugh. <3 I don't think they're gonna do a G.R.R. Martin and kill off everyone's favorite; I think, personally, right now, killing off either or both Michonne and Daryl would tank ratings. I don't wanna make assumptions about the fanbase, but I think a lot of the viewers have those two in a very special, "Pls don't touch" place in their hearts. I think everyone's either a hit or a miss or people are just, eh about them. I could be wrong. Michonne and Carol are in my, "PLS DON'T" section and the rest sit right on, "I really like them a lot, but wouldn't stop watching if they died/but I'm waiting for them to die," category. Particularly Carol. I've seen a lot of love for her, but I've seen a lot of hate for her as well. /rantcauseI'msotiiiiired Shit I write too much. Anyways, I can put off writing if you think you'll need to restart it. :o I wouldn't mind waiting; it'll give me time to edit through while I transfer from paper to compooper.