Timothy Greyson, one of the few known heroes left in the world. His childhood friend Damien Wayne was helping him on a mission. It was quite simple. Rebuild the Justice League. Alfred had told them of a few reports on heroes looking a lot like younger versions of the heroes our parents once worked with and even a few new arrivals. So without much hesitation the two young men set out across the globe to try and find these people and invite them to the League. So far Damien was well on his way to finding a boy with a power similar to that of Tim, who was on his way to Central City to go find the new Black Canary. Along the way the two were stopping by other places and dropping off notes after seeing the other heroes work. Those notes contained nothing but a brief message and coordinates. The message plainly said. "Batman and Nightwing request your presence at this location in the coming week we hope to see you there."..... "You know Bats you really ought to ease up on the whole dark and brooding thing." Tim said over a communicator to Damien. "I mean come on just because your dad fit the role doesn't mean you should too." he said as he flew over Metropolis headed toward Central City. "Our parents are missing and probably in another dimension and all you can think about is how brooding I am?" Damiens voice said back in his ear. "Good point I should probably shut up now Central City is just ahead maybe twenty minutes away" He said seeing the city lights in the distance. He only had one letter left and that's simply because he had met both the Green Arrow and Black Canary when he was younger and wanted to know who was taking the song birds place and how. Moments later he was flying over the City looking for any sign of the Heroine when the alarms at a nearby bank went off. "Well," he thought to himself. "Duty calls." He added angling down toward the commotion just in time to see two armed men in ski masks robbing the place. After landing he moved through the shadows waiting for a good moment to strike and take them both out at once just like he had been trained to do.