Coraline woke up to the sound of her alarm clock and stretched, dangling her legs off the end of her bunk bed. Above her, a million stars lit up the forever dark skies of her dimension, just the way she liked it. She jumped off the bed, and glanced at the figure still sound asleep in the bottom bunk. She reached over and shook her sister gently, who rolled over and opened her eyes sleepily. Annabel had always been sleepy, and even here, that didn't change. "Hey, I've gotta head to school early okay? I'll catch you a bit later." Coraline hugged her sister, who had already drifted back into sleep, and proceeded to get ready. Once she was, she shut her eyes and imagined an exit from this dimension to reality, which was conveniently located in the senior boys toilets. She stuck her head out the exit, and found herself looking at the rather astonished face of one of the senior boys. She pulled herself completely out of the mirror, and sat on the basin just below it. "S-so you weren't joking..." The boy stammered, wide eyed. "You can really go to another dimension?" Coraline rolled her eyes - she was used to this reaction. "Yup, what did you expect in a school like this?" She grabbed the boys hand and pulled him into the mirror. As he gazed around the dimension in awe, she explained what was going to happen. "Right, the dimension will carry out whatever fantasy that you want. Time is relative here, so while I'll leave you here for an hour in earth time, here time will slow down or speed up to ensure that whatever you want to happen will occur in exactly one earth hour. You cannot die or be injured here, although you can experience these things if you wish for it. I'll come back for you in an hour." She spun, and left the boy alone in her dimension, which started to shift into the shape of a classroom. Coraline checked the time - 7.45am - and set an alarm for an hour so she'd remember to bring the boy back. She walked out of the bathroom, and looked around, bored. What should she do for an hour? She started to wander around the school.