Soon several others came around Leon, also offering their help to the endangered girl. One girl choose to try to shoot the man, but another, beefy man charged the assailant directly before the women's bolt could reach it's mark. It was then that a sudden strong gust of one threatened to knock Leon over; it was clearly an Etra, and was probably employed by the women's attacker to interrupt his crowd of onlookers. Leon dug his heels into the ground and leaned on one of his swords, trying his best to keep upright in the strong gust. The strong wind quickly passed and Leon had succeeded in remaining upright. He saw a girl near him that fell over quickly regain her composure and rush to the hostage's side. Leon, quite frankly, was slightly disappointed that he wasn't the first to help the damsel in distress. Leon quickly ran over to the pair, leaning over the released hostage. The women who came to help had a thick accent and was blonde haired. She asked if the other was alright. "Yeah, are you alright?" He said, following up with the blonde women's question. "Who was that man? Why did he attack you?"