Took me a bit, but here's an attempt. [hider=Kin Miyashita] [img=] [b]Name:[/b] Miyashita, Kin [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Though calm and reserved, Kin is often seen smiling. A general outgoing attitude with a somewhat subservient nature. A definite follower, not a leader. While she is passive more often than not, at seemingly random instances she can display a brief flash of aggression and then immediately carry on like nothing happened. Keeping things organized and understandable are important, so she will often take a moment to think about what she says before speaking and will speak slowly and softly when she does. This behavior is often mistaken to be a sign of unintelligence, but that is far from the truth. Kin is very well educated and analytical, and will not hesitate to use her knowledge whenever the situation arises. On the topic of her ability with a sword, she is rather oblivious of it and thinks of herself as a mere amateur. As a direct result of that, she elects not to fight unless it is deemed necessary by a higher power. [b]Skills:[/b] Kin is a very well educated woman, giving her shining mathematical and cultural knowledge. Combined with her tidiness and organization, she would make a remarkable accountant or secretary. Of course, the years of training with the traditions of her family have made her a remarkable swordswoman (and cook) as well. [b]Equipment:[/b] [I]Sekisetsu[/I] - A modern [url=]vibro-sword[/url] modeled after an original Miyashita family heirloom of the same name. Stored in a mechanical sheathe with spring-action capability, Sekisetsu is capable of slicing through titanium in a clean swing. The blade is approximately 40 inches, making the sword a total length of 50 inches when sheathed. Due to this size, it is not always on her person. [I]Electronic Notepad[/I] - The most common thing to find in Kin's hands. A [url=]notebook[/url] that is capable of storing and retrieving data. Used to keep track of many various things. Somewhat fragile, so there are a few spares stored away in Kin's quarters. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] The Miyashita clan can trace its history all the way back to Earth to feudal Japan. While hundreds of years ago it was nothing more than a family, mankind's jump to space provided great opportunities for the opportunistic, including the Miyashita. Flash forward several centuries and the Miyashita family are now the ruling power over the entire planet of Alpha-Sigma 9, lovingly abbreviated to AS9. Though born to the royal family, Kin Miyashita was not in line to take the throne. Nor could she ever possibly take it anyways due to her gender and the conflict it would create with the traditions imposed by the Miyashita upon AS9. Her father's uncle was the Emperor, however, and with that ticket she was able to get the best of things life had to offer. Money, education, the finest of foods and the most luxurious of palaces. Of course, her father also versed her in the family history and traditions. While training to surpass her father in the art of the katana, or perhaps more accurately the "vibro-katana", Kin was challenged to a duel by the Emperor's grandson. Unknowing of the man that challenged her, she defeated him and embarrassed the royal family greatly. As per tradition she was to be punished by an exile of twenty years, for her to learn the error of her ways and to repent for her crimes. None of which she quite agreed with but inevitably followed the command at risk of her life. Taking her grandfather's sword, Kin left AS9. This was twelve years ago. Now, she has found a "livelihood" working aboard the unnamed ship under command of Captain Yuriko. The money "earned" allows her a small slice of the life she once lived. The details of her recruitment are largely unknown, but whenever anyone would ask how someone as "soft" as her ended up on a pirate ship, Kin answers: "Pirates are known as merciless, violent, and greedy people. The Captain needed someone to keep these pirates in line to keep her cargo safe. So of course she needed someone like me to do the job." [b]Position in Crew:[/b] Quartermaster - Oversees the handling, storage, and recording of cargo. [/hider]