"The door is the only way in. It should lead to a tunnel, the mountain surrounds the door and it is very hard to break through a mountain. Though we could look around more while our mages work at it. Also, I think you missed your calling as a standup comedian, Miss Sipley," Aldred said, glancing at Sipley. "Me and her? I'm pretty sure she'd cut my hands off if I ever tried to touch her. Not that I was planning to." "Thank you," He said to Emilia with a smile. "Well, we have the time, we can set up camp here if necessary. I imagine there has to be a cave we duck into during the night to avoid the even colder temperaturs when the sun goes down. Maybe get a fire going." He said, his eyes brightening up at the thought of a nice warm fire. "As for Dax, he can apparently see into the future, so I'm sure he's expecting us." He added. "Emilia, you can get to work on the force field removal, anyone who can help you with that can. Everyone else, try to look around for a place out of the open, ideally a cave where we can set up base camp for the night. We're gonna be here awhile..."