[b][i]GM Post, Part One[/i][/b] ((OOC Note: Lucek, Aqu, don't post yet. Eyeris, Cirus, sorry about blindisding you with a GM Post, but there's a good reason for that; the planned fight between Omega, Jonathan, and the Immortals ended up longer than planned, and to wait for your posts would have just made the GM Post larger. Just post what you were originally planning.)) [b][i]The Compound[/i][/b] Li Chang, the small-n necromancer, stared at Omega and the mass of Spirits behind him - he had been outmanned and outwitted, his group's 'perfect' ambush no match for the Sage of Otherness' combination of intelligence and power, as well as raw conviction. That, and he did not expect the Sage of Otherness to come into the picture this early; the group had been looking to lure out the boy - the boy, the genius and the Sage of Law/Prime on top of that! It was all his fault! Li raised his hands above his head, and knelt in surrender; while his own Law Magic can theoretically kill even Omega, he would not risk it, not when the Sage had so many options for subduing him, while he had just one. Curse Roland, their absent leader, for cooking up the wrong plan! The terrorist minions would surrender in droves, while the Spirit of this place would quiet down, especially as Perry, its controller, was incapacitated by Jonathan's 'Demon' form. It seemed that between the Sage and the Samurai, the two members of the Immortals, and their mooks, were just outmatched. However, the Immortals were the elite force of China's espionage for a reason, and [i]there were more of them[/i], more elite Magi that can be thrown into the fray. As Myriad, Nao, and Alexandria savored their mentors' triumph, a counterattack was already proceeding; Joanathan and Omega were not the only ones empowered by the Manila Mega-Demesne. Thanks to a glamour made by a combination of Fate, Mind, and Law spells, no one, especially not the police, would notice what was going on in the building... "Matter Magic detected!" shouted Nao, the student suddenly putting his hands on the floor; a second later was the sound of a muffled explosion, as the young man held together the floor as someone below attemted to blow it up. He then smiled...only to find the floor turning into liquid right underneath him; thinking quickly, he counteracted the magic with both Matter and Law, but he now realized that he was facing someone with the same Schools as him. And he was, as two new figures rose up out of the floor; figures who did not get, or even hear, the surrender order.... The first figure was a young man, of 18 years of age, blond and blue-eyed, carrying a Stuffed Tiger...who would then transfom into a real one that would growl at the Spirits behind the Sage, who can detect that unlike Perry, the 18-year old did not mistreat his spirits, and in fact willingly contracted with them. Said young man also conjured up Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Otherness, Matter, Energy, Law; none of those would have helped him phase through the floor, so the second figure must have Timespace, then. Said second figure was a woman of about 20 or 25, with hair tied in a bun, wearing a red chenogasm; Jonathan can see that said second figure had both Life and Law Magics, allowing her to counteract Jonathan's bloodbending. And, of course, she had Timespace and Energy, allowing her to do advanced Kung Fu. And, finally, there was the Pistoleer who had confronted the group back at Baler, the one with the Orichalcum Pistols. Li gasped; their leader was here - he can expect rescue! Said Pistoleer smirked, and threw a flashbomb high into the air, no, not just a flashbomb, but a grenade that gave off alternating pulses of great light and great darkness, as well as a screeching sound that disrupted concentration. This signified that the Pistoleer was someone who knew the main weaknesses of Magi, most notably their reliance on concentration. But enough tangents; Omega and Jonathan would find that at least one of the three figures were gone - Jonathan and Omega might be able to intercept one of them with Timespace - and so are the mooks, Perry, and Li.