Hanabusa stood outside of Ken Tsukino's hospital room. She had in her hand a small boquet of flowers. Hana came just about every afternoon once school finished. Ever since the incident, Hana has had... A strange resounding sense of responsibility to see him, thinking that he helped protect her on the roof from that strange creature. If only she wasn't so scared, he probably wouldn't have ended up in the hospital. [i]*knock knock*[/i] Hanabusa ripped open the door, cheerfully singing a hello, to an expectingly unconcious Ken. "Heeeeey! ... OHMIGAWSH! You're awake Kenny-Kun!" Walking over to Takahiro she happily placed the boquet next to his bed. She smiled and said hello to Takahiro. "Hey Taka!". "I hope I didn't interrupt anything! I came to see how you were doing, I'm uber happy you're awake this time!"