[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/smwV0Bz.png][/center] [b]Anatolian Wilderness[/b]: [i]Misunderstandings[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hWwMZ8yn_I](music)[/url] --- The tension that had slowly crept to engulf the friends in a fog of obscure intepretations and misunderstandings finally dawned on Olivia, as she noticed Kimberly’s and Aaron’s strange behaviors towards one another and their somewhat less than friendly exchange of words during a moment of rest in the frigid wilderness. The brunette had cautiously approached the two when they conversed, when Kimberly unleashed his entire speech entailing the ethics of proper action in response to wrong doings, ready to intervene if the situation would go sour. It would not have been the first time that domestic disputes within their circle had led to physical confrontations, but this combination of individuals was rare and potentially devastating. Olivia had always made it her responsibility to end physical confrontations whenever she was able to, even if she did not always understand why. As Kimberly speaks the words, they resonate within Olivia’s mind and she is able to put the pieces together; what was previously a mystery, she is now able to comprehend to its fullest and realize that the genesis of its cause might have rested with her. Olivia had not properly percieved Aaron’s intentions and the weight of his words on the boat as she was too blinded by her obsessional love for a figment of her imagination. The brunette’s palms become slightly moist and her fingers begin to fidged around the grip of her sword, an uncomfortable lump of saliva forms at the back of her throat, and her lashes begin to nervously flutter. Olivia bathed and drowned in such confessions on almost a daily basis at the academy, young boys who in secret loved her but alas could not suffer in silence any longer. She had learned to zone herslef out, but this time it was different; Aaron was a lifelong friend, not some random stripling mesmerized by Olivia’s visage on the first day of school. At the end of Kimberly’s speech, Olivia interrupted after having observed the two boys from a few breaths away. She knew that the fuzzy giant would never start a fight with anyone — he was probably as close to a pacifist as a Guardian could ever get — but the hothead, on the other hand, was a different story altogether. If what Aaron had said on the baot was true, there was a good chance that Olivia was the only one that could calm him down in this matter. The brunette roots her blade in the icy ground betwixt the two boys. Her visage and tone is calm; lashes reasting easy, slowly sailing between Kimberly and Aaron as they stare at each other. “Apologize to whom… about what?” Olivia inquires. She plays the ignorance and stupidity card to see how they react, to entice a response primarily out of Aaron. [b]Anatolian Wilderness[/b]: [i]Battle III[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz8ZOw392M8](music)[/url] --- Magdalena arrived as an ardent savior, a white knight to relive Olivia of her predicamnet and lay waste to the tiny heaps of mass converging on the dark haired girl. Magdalena’s movements were graceful and the force of her lethal chakram devastating to the horrid titans that sought to devour the girls’ spirits and rend their flesh. A moment of recovery presented itself and Olivia could stand upon her feet again. “Thank you, darling,” Olivia said as she retrieved her gigantic sword. “Another second and I’d probably be mush like those things,” she continued and hinted at the splats of pus and gore on the melted, yet icy ground. However, the respite is shortlived. The Prime Gamma violently spits its jagged projectiles at Magdalena, having noticed her otherwordly strength agains its kind, grazing her fragile skin all over her frame. Olivia attempts to deflect some of the foul, darting teeth from the monster with her blade, but they are too fast. The brunette becomes furious and casts herself into the heat of battle, rushing towards Prime Gamma with blazing speed. She propells her sword through the air with a forceful jerk and it pierces the horrid creature’s stomach area, or whatever one would name the strecutures beneath its infernal mouth. Olivia slides across the icy ground just before making contact with her prey and tackles the hilt of her sword as to pierce the monster even further. She rips the steel out of its burrowed position within Gamma’s flesh and swings it in an arc across the creature’s jaw. Meanwhile, the Prime Beta appears to go completely insane and berserk from the effects of Royce’s assault. As Olivia backs away from the Prime Gamma, she notices Prime Beta’s erratic behavior and calls out to her team: “Don’t attack that one!” she shouts. The enraged creature has ignored the friends and begun to salughter the tiny blobs converging all around them; on less Prime to deal with. While the Prime Alpha begets hatred towards Kimberly and lashes at the beast with its vile tongue, the other primes have heeded the call of Prime Omega and converged on their nemesis. Prime Omega soars through the air and crushes Magdalena where she stands stunned by the jagged assault only seconds ago. [hider=Combat: Summary] Prime Gamma uses “Flurry” on Magdalena. Olivia attacks Gamma. Prime Beta attacks tiny blobs (berserk). Prime Alpha uses “Tongue Lash” on Kimberly. Prime Omega uses “Crush” on Magdalena. The Primes have figured out that Magdalena is their nemesis. [/hider] [hider=Combat Enemies: Blob Primes] [img=http://i.imgur.com/hi5LE7S.jpg] [b]Blob Prime Alpha*[/b]: 4050/9000 [img=http://i.imgur.com/OUvivLa.png] [b]Blob Prime Beta*[/b]: 5850/9000 [img=http://i.imgur.com/OUvivLa.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/sm7NK40.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/jJ3vExp.png] [b]Blob Prime Gamma*[/b]: 5450/9000 [img=http://i.imgur.com/OUvivLa.png] [b]Blob Prime Omega*[/b]: 1790/9000 [img=http://i.imgur.com/OUvivLa.png] [b]Prefixes[/b] Weakness [img=http://i.imgur.com/VFRZN8P.png], Immune [img=http://i.imgur.com/OY5CglP.png], Nemesis: [i]Magdalena Abendroth[/i]. [b]Abilities[/b] [i]“Ice” (Spirit)[/i]: Three shards of ice dart at a target inflicting ice-elemental stagger. [i]“Imperil” (Spirit)[/i]: Target becomes weak to the next element suffered. [i]“Crush” (Attack)[/i]: The blob jumps at target to crush it beneath its mass and weight. [i]“Tongue Lash” (Attack)[/i]: The blob attacks with its jagged tongue. [i]“Flurry” (Attack)[/i]: The blob spits jagged teeth-like objects. [/hider] [hider=Combat: Players] [img=http://i.imgur.com/igokQJi.png]1450/4250 [img=http://i.imgur.com/Y8u17zp.png] 1500/5000 (Bear 1500/5500) [img=http://i.imgur.com/sm7NK40.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/wYEiNZs.png] 2200/4250 [img=http://i.imgur.com/TRAy3sW.png] 0/5250 [img=http://i.imgur.com/sJ5gTxA.png] 0/3000 [img=http://i.imgur.com/a74UVjs.png] 0/4750 [img=http://i.imgur.com/I3fBmk3.png] 0/4250 [img=http://i.imgur.com/ckbeThL.png] 150/3500 [img=http://i.imgur.com/sm7NK40.png] [/hider]