Intrumentals <3 and d'awww, I liked those sea shanties from the Assassin's Creed, sucks that they've been taken off youtube :c Mizos, season twoooo is grand >8D I'll be playing the last episode after I finish my post, haha. I heard The Wolf Among Us is pretty awesome as well. I'll probably be playing it on the weekend along with 400 days. I just fell in love with Telltales' games *w* hehe, haven't played the original borderland games but pfft, when that comes out I'm totally getting it. Engaging stories and hard decision making is just oh so fun. You should defo finish season one, Mizos, the ending is just ;-; I'm gonna get started on a post soon, will probably have it up in an hour or two. HAPPY FRIDAY, GUYS <333 [b]Edit:[/b] Currently typing up my post. Sorry for the delay ^^ Dang, Alicia's back story is so intense >w<)/