Alarm clock rings loudly at the table's edge. It's the collectors edition item from [i]My Little-Sister is a Witch[/i], which means it's your average pink alarm clock with printed image of said shows main-character on the clock-face. But thanks to man-child's obsession and the internet, it goes in three digit sums on eBuy. It's one of Kara Gildeons collections gems. It also isn't waking his fat ass up from the bed. Despite his own resolve and promises to go to sleep early and wake up fresh, he stayed up in early morning after casually checking one of the forums and noticing someone beat his highscore on [i]Lovely Dovely Kissy Kiss 3[/i] online dating simulator. Such disgrace could not be allowed and he needed to defend his throne. For his fortune, Kara managed to claim his throne before the sun rose. Barely. Now he wallows in his bed, 2D-girl printed blanket pull tightly over his head. Eventually he gives up and kicks it off, grunts displeased and places his glasses on his face. At least he prepared his clothes yesterday as when he stops the alarm and looks the time, he moves amazing fast for man of his size. Skipping the breakfast and other morning activities he rushes down the stairs and out of the door. "I'm late! I need to run! I need to run! I need... a taxi." Kara reaches the sidewalk before he needs to stop to catch his breath. "Crap, I don't have money left. I invested my last cash to comics. No choice but to run. It will be good for me. I need to lose few pounds anyway. Heh heh. ... How am I kidding?! I'll never get there on time! Or alive! " Kara shouts desperately as he thunders down the street.