[hider=Earth dragon] Appearance (Normal): [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/05/d3/ae/05d3aebbb080efddb723d9cff8702ee6.jpg] Name: Eden Autumn Cross Age:16 Height: 5'4 feet Personality: over-indulgent, defensive and sassy, makes stubborn judgements and decisions, has a love of routine. Has a love of strawberry things, very slow to make friends or let down her guard. In terms of school work she does what she needs to but it's not first on their priority list. If she has nothing to do she would devote her time to schoolwork. History: Lives with her father and gamer brother. She has an average of late-70's in languages and early 80's in maths (during exams.) Takes biology and gets mid-60's for it. Appearance (Champion): [img=http://media.tumblr.com/a28383900111e60cde6e658a6197feff/tumblr_inline_mgc54yse8k1rnp9q5.jpg] She has a steel helmet that covers her cranium and comes down her temples and across her jaw, concealing the distinctive shape of her face. The helm also hides her dark eyes in shadow. and covers all the way down to the tip of her nose, leaving her mouth free to breathe. Dragon Name: Taurrin Dragon Awakening Level: Awakening Dragon Abilities: Active: Crystal stalagmites - controlling of the Earth and minerals give her basic manipulation of the Earth around her and can create shards of Earth spear upwards or crash downwards impaling victims, or shoot them like an arrow (still needs to work on this ability) larger spears more draining in mana but inflict more damage eg. 10 damage for 8 mana, 13 damage for 10 mana. average is 5 damage for 5 mana. Has a recharge time of 6 while awake and 9 while asleep for both mama and health. Passive: Earth shield - drawing on the strength of the Earth to use as a shield gives her health regeneration of 8 and a defensive boost of 10, 5 damage reduction on attacks [hider2=Weapon/Main item] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/132/d/9/sword_art_online__elucidator_by_navex_sniper-d650o87.png] deals about 8 damage but also goes higher with earth shield passive- to 12 damage[/hider2] Health Pool: 50 Mana Pool: 100 [/hider]