Thanks ;) I'm caught up on the IC posts now as well. Thanks for holding down the fort guys <3 the posts were really fun and interesting to read. I will not post until I hear from FaithsRose. I do not want to step on toes in case she has a post partly made up already (using my characters or Lloyd and I do not want to mess up anything she might have had planned for her next post) After reading everything and realizing we have lost teapotshark and possibly M.C, :( is a small time jump to "on the road" to the fuel stop a good idea or not and we write teapot's characters setting out on their own. hmmm *brainfreeze* A RP with 3-4 people is fine, but I will put it to a vote if we want to add another person. I am with FaithsRose that adding someone else might change things a little for the better or the worse, it is hard to tell. Assuming M.C was already messaged, I will just wait until I hear from FaithsRose, before assuming anything. Also FaithsRose, would you like to continue playing Lloyd, or I can or we both can, since we know what his out come will be?