Kalinda watched Michael. "It's okay. You have more skills with the computer side of things, that it could be really beneficial. Working with cops, you learn just how much they'dove to circumvent the system and get what they need, rather then do it legally. Besides, we can't just March in without any idea of what we will face. So....it's okay" She made her way to the kitchen. She placed her phone on a counter, pressing play to have music going. Kalinda always found cooking a chore, but that didn't mean she couldn't make it fun. With the music, she could dance as she cooked. If she was alone, she would have added singing. It was just her way of trying to be happy. She found ingredients, deciding to cook enough for the rest of the team. Pulling back her hair from her face, and washing her hands, she got to work. She finally just let herself relax. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she belonged. The dull ache from her neck and head seemed to fade away, and she just felt...better. As she cooked some nest on the stove, she could fully realise why. She was home. Home for her wasn't a place, a location. No. It would always be where ever Michael was. She added Vegatables, and when they were done, a sauce, dancing forgotten now as she contemplated things. She got out plates, serving two up, leaving the rest to stay warm on a low temperature on the stove, before going to take the food to Michael.