"Well I grew up in the states, but when I was fourteen I qualified in a national youth archery competition and a very prestigious school in Germany offered me a full ride scholarship. I attended there until during the summer... There was a attack, my girlfriend Karolyna , well she got caught by this guy when we were coming back from the movies, I had been singing to her earlier so my voice was shot. He started talking about what he would do to her. I just got so angry...I summoned my pocket dimension pulling my bow and arrows forth I drew it back let an arrow fly... I killed him, Karolyna well she said I was a inhuman monster. That she could never love a demon like me because I was unnatural murderer. So I fled, I came here my parents meet here and I figured I could start over and maybe not have to deal with being seen as unnatural blight by humans." He sighs, you can see tears rolling off his face, however Karolyna was, it's clear they close and that he regrets taking a human life. He misses a beat on the drum but it keeps going the melody now slower almost melancholy.