Two things stood out to Felice at that moment. Or rather, three things: One, the doctor had just said that he wanted the subjects [i]to get to know each other;[/i] two, the stupid computer kept on wrongly correcting his name to the point of maddening frustration; and three, they would be performing a mission [i]tomorrow[/i]. [i]That soon? He's not messing around at all...[/i] It took a moment to discover that the settings had somehow switched back to complete English without his permission, but by the time he had fixed it again, his head was buzzing with the implications of the announcement. Perhaps the rest of the future would rest on how things went during the next 48 hours. And if they did, that would mean that he would have to act quickly and carefully. This could be the best chance he had to get anything done. With this in mind, he moved on to the next assignment on the computer, though he tried hard to come up with the best plan for just the next few hours.