Beelze went back to his own station and got to work on the assignment. [i]Battlefield strategies in overwhelming odds,[/i] he thought as the assignment booted up, [i]Looks like I'll finally be doing something interesting.[/i] The thought of being the leader excited him. Having made the most effort to get to know people and talk to them, Beelze figured that he was a pretty good candidate for the position. He needed people to start looking up to him for guidance as he thought about the future. As he was going through the assignment, which wasn't quite the breeze the rest of the time here had been, two brothers walked through the door. [b]"Sorry we're late. Just got released from our rooms"[/b] [i]This is the perfect opportunity to help my cause for the leader position,[/i] thought Beelze. He pushed the chair back from his workstation and got up from it. Walking towards them, Beelze started to introduce himself, "Hello, I do believe we have not met. I am Beelze Marke, a shapeshifter," still carrying on his lie, "Welcome to the classroom of wonder. Sitting down we have Felice, he doesn't speak English, and Roxy, who is just delightful to work with," he added sarcastically. "If you ever need help with anything, please let me know," he said with a smile while offering his hand for the two to shake.