Exhaling a deep, heated breath, Ryoko watched the exchange between Salforge and Gavin. The shaking in her limbs had ceased, and the color in her skin had returned. She pushed off the rough wall she was leaning against, and stood tall. A warning from the mercenary had informed her that the red-haired boy was surrendering, Ryoko scoffed and chuckled derisively at the gesture. Escaping punishment would not be so simple, begging was a nice start, but it was not enough. Gavin pleaded with cryptic words, words that did nothing to persuade Salforge, nor her. She took a step towards him, but stopped as she noticed him gripping his arm at an awkward angle. The sound of a bone cracking reverberated through the alley, the moment the sound entered Ryoko's ears her body tensed. She was quite familiar with the sound of bones breaking, she could recognize the sound amid the crushing of twigs and plywood, it had a certain tone that nothing else did. She adored this sound. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her face flushed red, there was a quivering smile on her face that spoke of perversion. This boy was groveling, and in such a magnificent manner! Never before had she seen someone willingly cripple himself, it gave her a rush of ecstasy like nothing had before. Gavin believed he had righteously sacrificed his arm, but all he had done was flip every switch she had. She walked closer towards him, her posture becoming demure and titillating. Her heel found a place on his chest, and she kicked him to the ground. "I'm afraid you are preaching to the choir, dear." She said, leaning in close to his face. She gently cupped his chin, and the blood she had spilled on his body came to life, it trickled up his body, pooling around his neck into a black collar. "Now as long as I am near you, I can slice your pretty little head off any time I want, so don't try anything, got it?" Her mission had taken a severe drop on her list of current objectives, when it came down to it, her personal pleasure always came first. "If you really want to impress me," She looked over his body, her eyes gleaming like a child picking out a treat at a candy store. "go on, break something else, cut something perhaps? Show me how regretful you really are and maybe I'll trust you."