Roboko Mekajima Roboko was walking through the halls, heading towards class when she detected a movement behind her. Looking back, she didn't notice anything strange. As she continued to walk though, she heard the distinct sound of motors and the slight rattling of aluminum. Turning back again, all she saw was a slightly misplaced trash bin. But when she continued again, this time an arm and a tentacle came out and grabbed her. Strangely unphased, Ronoko simply asked, "Ah. Are you a robot? Do you belong to Dr. Evelynn Jameson?" Heedless of her words, it proceeded to stuff her inside of itself and gassed her. Roboko, who was herself a robot, was unaffected by the gas and asked, "Can you take me to her?" The trash can proceeded to begin moving, so Roboko said, "Thank you, Mr. Trash Can." The trash bin robot made its way back to Eve's lab. It promptly discarded its victim into the Test Subject Collection Chamber. "Thank you for bringing me here as requested, robot comrade," said Roboko to the mindless trash can machine as it headed away to make it's rounds of collecting more students. Roboko now turned towards Eve in a motion that was clearly piston and servo driven. "Dr. Evelynn Jameson," Roboko read out in a stilted monotone, "I have come to discover the source of human depravity. Your mother told my father that I would find you here. Will you help me in confirming my research?" --- Roswell Even though Roswell was enrolled, he had no need to attend classes. Even though, by Earth year standards, he was the same age as his classmates, Zeta Reticulans mature faster and complete their mandatory education much sooner than these primitives. Instead, Roswell had used his time to establish the pecking order at the school. He had let himself become the 'victim' of a gang of seniors hoping to bully a defenseless second year, but when he provoked them into attacking him, he used his telekinesis to make himself appear stronger, causing one bully to trip inexplicably, punching someone while using telekinesis to make the receiver of the punch go flying into the ceiling, that sort of thing. He stood on a pile of frothing-mouthed, half-beaten seniors with a smug, satisfied grin on his face. One bully tried to sneakily crawl towards escape, but was suddenly snatched up by a silver machine tentacle, drawing Roswell's attention. To him, as an Extra-Terrestrial Security patroller, it looked like 'misuse of advanced technology on an unadvanced population'. he jumped out to see a conspicuously placed trash can in the middle of the hallway. The use of advanced technology suggested the presence of aliens other than himself, something the ETS said was highly possible as the school was known for paranormal happenings. Maybe this was the lead he was looking for so that he could fulfill his mission and finally get off this god-forsaken rock. In a sly grin, he looked at the trash can and said something that he has always wanted to say, "Take me to your leader!"