1) It's fine. You don't need to change it, as I originally said. It was just an observation that really is what led me to "2)". 2) I guess that's all fine. I'm flexible; I'm here to make this as immersive, fun and collaborative as possible. :) 3) Cool. Sounds like a plan. 4) Magic is inherent, yes. But magic is rather aimless in the natural. That's why humans have souls to use rational thinking in order to actually utilize magic, thus making a spell. I guess, if we perceive it in the right way, communicating to a spirit doesn't necessarily need knowledge for the living being, as the dead being has a soul in their own right. Still, I encourage you read the FAQ on spirit, soul and body. No dead is without a spirit or soul; it always has both, just one can be rendered inactive. ;) Again, you don't really need to change anything, if we just approach this in the right way.