Evvie's poor brain had enough with the appearance of yet another strange person who was accompanied by strange and seemingly random singing. She couldn't get any more confused by this battle at this point so just decided to go with it without question. Whatever that whole plot point was about was none of her business because the man left as soon as he came after speaking pure gibberish, at least to her ears. What was more important to focus on was their opponent who was still not out of the fight despite sustaining two powerful fire based attacks. Now that her fire was in solid form she would try to see how cutting and stabbing at his body would work. She was alone now with the man, the other two rocketing off for some reason. Looks like it was up to her. She charged at him, feet splashing through the thin layer of water, as she quickly closed the gap between them. As she got closer she would try to joust at him through his heart with the tip of her fire sword.