Kennedy's feet pounded on the cold hard concrete as she chased after the man. Her clip was far faster than his weak body could carry him and she was catching up to him rather quickly. She fought off the dizziness and uneasiness that had come over her body shortly after landing on the other side of the portal, focused on the man in front of her. She knew that it had to be the same man who had spoken for help through the first portal she saw on her way to the Knights meeting. If he wanted to get a word out to her this badly, she wanted to know why. Looking over her shoulder behind her, Kennedy saw her crew following in stride with her several feet back. It brought a grin to her face to hear Mason still chuckling through all the chaos of leaping into the unknown. Kennedy whistled sharply once and motioned her arm around in a circle, "C'mon ladies, keep up!" She winked at them, spotting a strange, translucent looking man following also. She had seen him before... but she thought she was just seeing things, perhaps a ghost. She blinked a few times and moved on, focusing again on the man just a few steps in front of her. "Hey! Cut it out, I want to know what's going on here!" She said. As the words left her mouth, three guards rounded a corner about fifty yards down the hallway behind the group. "No time!" The man said as he jumped into the elevator and motioned for everyone to jump in. Kennedy did so, and after all of her Knights were safely in the elevator, she punched the button, firing a few shots from her Hand Cannon at the guards as the doors closed. The muted sound of an alarm could be heard as the elevator began its long ascent upwards. Kennedy turned towards the man and kept her gun casually pointed in his direction. "Explain." He quickly straightened up and cleared his throat, though the good posture didn't last for long. He leaned against the wall of the elevator and the exhaustion was apparent in his features. Finally, he looked up to her and drew in a large breathe. "My name... is Samuel. I... I don't really know what to say." "Not good enough, Sam. Spit it out." Kennedy leaned in closer, "I need to know why I just jumped through a... a, uh... well I'm not sure what the hell I just did, but I need to know that it was worth it!" Samuel nodded and swallowed hard. "That place... it is hell. They've been torturing us and experimenting on us for far too long now. That 'thing' was a tear, a sort of portal to another place..." He waited for the reactions before continuing, "I know how crazy this sounds. But this is what they are doing to us, trying to tweak these powers. I'm not sure what it was... but for some reason I was able to lock on to something, and I suppose that something was you." Kennedy stood there speechless, her gun falling as her wrist went slack. Sam sighed, "Look, I know you aren't from here. There's no way there would be that much sunlight in Rapture. But I needed help! I've seen too many people die, I've been through too much here! I saw you, saw what you were doing. I thought you could help..." He shook his head, "But what a fool I was. They know that I have escaped, and this elevator ride will be over soon enough. I've merely doomed us all." Kennedy was still trying to process it all. She had thought that they had jumped into merely another part of Columbia. [i]Rapture...? Where the hell is that? Where the hell are we?[/i] She picked her gun up and placed it in her holster, thinking for a moment as she did so. She cleared her throat and looked at her Knights behind her. "No... no we aren't doomed. I don't know what kind of a mess you've put us in mister, but we're all Knights. And Knights don't go down without on helluva fight."