Under the Medical Pavilion, in a long forgotten room, there were hundreds of tanks. They stood in the dark, side by side, in row after row. They stood empty, sitting in darkness, the glass and machines covered in dust. However the room was not as empty as it first appeared. In the dark room there was a single point of light. One tank stood out from the others, the machines around it quietly buzzing as they continued mindlessly in the work they had been given so long ago. The tank was filled with an unnaturally clear liquid and floating in the liquid, surrounded by a halo of her own long dark hair was a girl. The girl was curled up into a ball at the moment and hoses ran up to her from the base of the tank, attached to her arms, legs and her spine. Part of each hose were clear and inside a luminous red fluid could be seen being pumped through them. The girl's eyes were closed, however she wasn't asleep. She never slept much, but there was nothing to see, should she open her eyes, anyway. Once the room and had been busy and full, but now it was always empty. She couldn't even tell how long things had been this way as, trapped in her never-changing world of glass, time had no meaning. But not even a lonely world like her's could last forever. She opened her eyes as muffled banging sounds reached her and after a brief moment, she heard voices raised, though she couldn't make out any words. All of a sudden a door was thrown open and three people rushed inside. Two were armed and one was wearing a white coat. She remembered the people in white coats and she uncoiled from her ball and pressed her hands against the glass, staring out in fascination. For so long, nothing had happened and now there were people in her previously empty world. They hadn't noticed her, as they seemed preoccupied with their animated discussion. A Window? Intruders? Guns? The words meant nothing to the girl, but still she watched and listened avidly.