[b]Avae[/b] [b] " Systems..reboot. " [/b] The time line was finally in line. Her sleep was finally over and a new era was of age. She opened her eyes, a blurred vision of seaweed near her and bubbles rising into the surface of the water. Her body, clothes, hair, was all the same and it seemed like no mold grew on her. She moved her head, liking the way her hair moved in the water. Unanchoring herself from the water. It was dark and so she looked up to the surface of the water, her eyes gleaming blue as a small hexagon appeared a few inches above her temple and thus a small yet bright beam of light, flowed to the surface. And so Avae crouched down then quickly jumping up as her hexagons supported her, following the light of which she created. She reached the surface of the water, raising her hands to cover her eyes from the sun as if it was actually effecting her, though it didn't. She floated in the water, looking as the light danced upon the water. Trees surrounded the large body of water, also seeing a city nearby. She nodded, swimming ...walking towards the end of the lake. Finally, close to the end, fealing the waters level go down and now shes in the shallow end of the lake. Looking around as she saw few fishing, though they were far from her sight. She shrugged, stepping onto the dry lands, staring for a moment, looking at the beauty she had missed for many years. She spread out her arms and legs and thus her heating systems activated. Her artifical skin slightly gleamed red, though it quickly dimmed away. Her hair was still wet but not her skin nor her clothes. She looked at the city a mile away and so she began her walk to the city. She reached the sides of the city, staying in alleys knowing that people would know shes 'different'. She let out radio signals to anyone that knows of her existance..( The family, family memebers, ETC. I would assume that she knows of the parents instead of the children. ) She contiuned on through the alleys cautious of what was near her, though no one was at the moment and for the rest of her time she would find her way to the 'superheroes' of this era. ( She put herself in a lake to converse power and to do it so no one could EXACTLY find her. )