A tiny dirty hand picked up a stick and drew another crooked box in the dirt of the yard. Her other hand held tightly a mangy burlap doll against her chest as she tossed the stick aside and looked down happily at her work. It was a game she had seen a group of the older girls playing. She picked up a small stone she had ready and tossed it into one of the squares. Still grasping her doll she hopping into the first square on one leg, then the second two squares with both and again and again until she reached the stone and made her way back to the beginning. Two blue eyes glowed with achievement as she finished the challenge flawlessly. She looked down at Lily who was still pressed against her; her broken button eyes unblinkingly looking back at her. “Think I can do it again?” She pulled a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear before tossing the rock again. This she did until dusk when the Matron called everyone inside. Despite the large group of children of many diverse ages Viviann was still rather new to the place, and did not keep many friends. Still, none of that mattered; Lily was always there for her, as was Matron Robbins. Supper was typical, a thin soup. Times had grown hard with the events of the world, that much she knew, despite lacking the details. Viviann ate quickly ( Lily resting on her lap) before she stood and took her bowl to be cleaned. Stories usually preceded bedtime, but not tonight. Vivi was tired and went to lay down in her bunk quickly falling asleep. ~ ~ ~ ~ Screams snapped her awake as everyone in the room sprang awake to the Matron yelling for everyone. The place was ablaze. Still a bit dazed Vivi sprang from her bed the wool blanket tripping her to the ground with a light thud. The Matron scooped her up from her snare almost dropping her doll in the process. “Lily!” she cried as she felt it start to slip. She tightened her grasp just in time and clasped Lily tightly to her chest. Matron Robbins set her down just shy of the door, “Go and hide!” “but-” “GO!” she snapped as she ran back in. Vivi ran outside, but what greeted her was horrifying. Screams of people, the galloping of horses and the song of metal on metal rang throughout the air. Stunned she walked out into the street almost trance-like of the surroundings. A large galloping steed bolted in her direction. She'd snap from her trance with the beast only a second away; she dove into the mud. The hooves of the beast barely missing to trample her. She didn't know what else to do but run and hide, just as Matron Robbins instructed. Caked in mud from head to toe she ran and hid underneath an overhang of rocks, still close enough to witness everything going on in gruesome detail. She clasped her eyes shut and held Lily tightly unsuccessfully fighting back sobs. ~ ~ ~ ~ Soon it was over. Now only the sound of fire crackling filled the air. She heard no voices, no horses... nothing. Slowly she emerged from her hide and made her way back to the orphanage that had only a few hours before been her home. As she approached the building collapsed sending a fresh spray of embers into the air. She jumped back. Fresh tears began to flow as she started down the road. She picked up a stray sheet of wool, laying slightly smouldered on the ground. She wrapped it around herself. “Matron!” she cried between sobs as she wandered aimlessly through the streets. “Matron!!”