I've actually got an archer in the works right now too \o/ CS will be up shortly EDIT: CS [b]Name[/b]: Yasil [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Nationality[/b]: Tachikawa [b]Appearance[/b]: Yasil is a fairly tall, lean-muscled and sharp-edged woman. She is very rarely seen outside of her armor, but on such occasions she often wears baggier clothes that offer easy movement. Her hair runs down to her mid back, and is a charcoal black, a stark contrast to icy blue of her eyes. [b]Bio[/b]: Once, Yasil had a family name. When she was young, she was put down for her pugnacious nature, her parents insisting she stay within the home to learn domestic skills. One day she would make a fine wife for a warrior, they would say. She would have none of it. In school she was a scrapper, and came home a fair number of days with blackened eyes and a bloody nose, but proud. This continued without any sign of slowing down until her thirteenth year, when she declared she would apprentice herself to a warrior from their village. Her parents, outraged but helpless to stop her, instead disowned her and sent her on her way. When she approached the warrior with her request, he declined, but she was not so easily defeated. She followed him on his journey regardless, and eventually he invited her to train with him. The warrior was disappointed with how raw and untamed her rage was when she fought, and when the time came to begin with weapons, he was not surprised to hear her ask for a blade. Instead, he brought her a staff, metal but very light, and taught her to temper her fury with non-lethality. Despite her objections, she became very skilled with the staff, fond of the way it handled. When he finally did offer her a sword, she insisted vehemently to remain with her weapon. With the staff, she achieved temperament to her anger. He taught her to fight properly without a weapon, and this she found was strikingly brutal in comparison to the staff, which she was equal parts surprised and relieved by. With her hands, she achieved strength with her anger. It wasn’t until she was sixteen that he gave her a bow, and it wasn’t until six years later that the lessons ceased. With the bow, she achieved precision to her anger. She was proud of who she had become, proud of her skills, and proud of her temper. What she lacked, however, was experience, and when that finally came, it did so with a price. They encountered a beast, quite literally a monster, and in the ensuing battle she lost her master. Though the beast was slain, Yasil was devastated by the loss, left wandering and alone for nearly a year before she at last left Tachikawa, and joined recently into the Order. Now, she is fairly distant, and determined. A competitive nature has sprung up from within her, and she may find herself at times acting rashly for the sake of coming out on top. Though she is just recently joining the Order, she has already set her sights on renown and legend. [b]Fighting Style[/b]: With training in styles (similar) to Bajiquan and Wing Chun, Yasil is formidable in close quarters. As well, she is well-versed in the use of a bo-staff and the bow. [b]Equipment[/b]: [hider=Armor, furthest left for reference:] http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/201/d/f/fantasy_mage_warrior_concept_sketches_by_zeroephyrt-d57xxzn.png[/hider] [hider=Weapon: Bo Staff] http://www.blackbeltshop.com/seoimages%5C250x250-fighting-bo-by-century.JPG[/hider] The Bo-Staff is collapsible into a single section. [hider=Weapon: Bow] http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2a/c1/e5/2ac1e531104aff017f3f7848aefd9464.jpg[/hider] [b]Skills/Abilities[/b]: A Novice-level understanding of lightning magic, though she is still unable to utilize spells.