[quote=Zamiel] The big problem with this is overall, is that when you try to make it so much like civ you will need to figure out and balance an incredible amount of mechanics which becomes tedious for both you and the players.My advise? Decide which mechanics fun, not it and slash the others. [/quote] Excellent idea. I totally agree. Could people tell me which of the ideas I posted you like and think would bring more to the RP? Sorry I haven't posted for a day or so again, very busy. But I should have enough time to keep this RP going :D [quote=Kinkaz] I'm intrested. Reserve the area around Venice please (I'll get a proper name soon and don't worry, I know Venice itself is unfeasable at this time period :P) [/quote] If you want to be the Reoublic of Venice, that's fine. Just be aware that everyone starts at the same tech level. Welcome aboard :D [quote=RisenDead] If I can I would like to lay claim to Scandinavia, a Danish, Swedish, FInnish, Norwegian Union if you will. More of a loose coalition of Vikings, or a successful Kingdom of Sweden depending on the time frame we settle on.If that's to much space, I'll start in Denmark somewheres! [/quote] Yep, that's fine :D [b]I think we are ready to start the OOC now, so could people just post to confirm? I will put it up if 3 people think they're ready.[/b]