Im done with this guy's avatar, please let me know if he is overpowered. [hider=WIP] [b]Avatar Name:[/b] Seething Wolf [b]Avatar Level:[/b] 5 [b]Class:[/b] Assasin (Spec: Hitman) [b]Perks:[/b] [i]Vicious Strikes[/i]; [i]Grim Stride[/i]. [center][b]Avatar Abilities[/center][/b] --- [list][*][b]Killing Instinct:[/b] perhaps the most infamous ability of his avatar, [b]Killing Instinct[/b] can be broken down into two separate passive effects: one active when Den is outmubered; the other, when he is engaged in a one-on-one.[/*] [i]Lone Wolf:[/i] facing multiple opponents, Seething Wolf recives a +20% bonus to damage for each enemy present on the battlefield. However, for every ally, the buff is decrased by 15%, with the lower limit of 100% damage (meaning that if he cooperates with a large group of players to take down an outnubered enemy, his damage won't be debuffed). [i]Tet-a-Tet:[/i] facing a single opponent, without any allies, any attack powerful enough to take down over 35% percent of his HP in a single hit, instead inflicts only that amount of damage to his avatar, redirecting the rest to the assilant. [*][b]Fury's Haste:[/b] this ability is an active buff which increases Seething Wolf's speed by 5% for every percent of HP lost, with a cap of +400%, or x5 speed. Additionaly, it allows him to instantly reach peak speed from a standstill, without needing to accelerate. The effects of this ability last 10 seconds, with a cooldown period of 15 minutes.[/*] [*][b]Ultimate Control:[/b] the direct opposite of [b]Fury's Haste[/b], this ability allows him to negate any forces affecting his momentum, remaining completely inert for indefenite amounts of time. Using this ability, Seething Wolf can avoid knockback, instantly bring himself to defenite halt and even pause in midair, ignoring gravity. This effect lasts for 10 seconds, and has a cooldown period of 15 minutes.[/*] [*][b]Retribution:[/b] for 5 minutes after being hit for X damage, Seething Wolf can add X*n damage to his next attack, where n=total damage modifier form perks and skills. This ability has a 10 minute cooldown.[/*] [*][b]Immortal Slayer:[/b] Seething Wolf passively recovers 10% of the damage dealt by his hits in form of HP. For every killing blow, the amount recovered is increased to 50% of the damage dealt. Additionaly, this ability also includes an active skill, which allows Seething Wolf to survive a killing blow with 1% of HP left. The cooldown of the latter part of this ability is 1 hour.[/*][/list] Other: Den has profound skill in quick-drawing, and one of his weapons is specificaly meant to utilize this ability to its fullest: a single shot, large caliber handgun. It fires an armor piercing, sub-caliber round at speeds exeeding 1200 m/s, dealing heavy damage despite its inferior mass. [/hider]