Through the entirety of the situation, Jocasta had been silent, not even opening her mouth to sigh or roll her eyes at the situation. Instead her gaze was of thoughtful suspicion, focusing on the words offered to her and less caring of the chains that wrapped around her. So much so that she had picked up on the subtle incantations given by the guards, causing a whiff of recognition in her mind. She had traveled the lands many times over by now and had acquired a various library of knowledge in her sharp mind, as the fire of curiosity and relics could not calm down - even in spite of her family having been cut down so many years ago. They walked the courtyard into the chamber halls where she noticed that not even one of them dared to even place a trinket in front of the throne. There words slithered out like poison, corrupted by fear and greed, a vapor escaping their lips in hatred as they hissed at the seven. It wasn't until Viola had urged them to confess and divulge the secrets of the Moon Priestess - and in there lie the whole meaning behind this. They cared not to accuse them nor if they confessed at all, but it was all a ruse to gain a deeper understanding of something so mysterious and powerful, that Jocasta was sure they would not understand even if told. And the seven, they were destined to something greater, something that she could not trust this pit of snakes to get a hold of. She was the first to respond. Her neck craned behind her as her eyes matched Flowryde's own. Back then, when they were younger, Jocasta had been a bubbly, sweet girl, willing to see the good in everyone and show understanding. Some of that still boiled beneath the surface, but it was coated now with a confidence only a wanderer's life could provide and a seriousness that shined with understanding. She almost smirked as she questioned her friend, out loud, [b]"Does their arrogance know no bounds?"[/b] With a quick flick of her head, she stared straight into the eyes of the nobles before her, as if they were equals and they were no more important than she was. [b]"The information you seek will not come from these lips,"[/b] she started, standing a bit taller as to show her resolve in this matter. [b]"You're scared and filled with fright, as many of the D'Cerf Coven are - rightfully so in the absence of strong leadership and direction, but your greed and prideful natures is a poison upon your minds. Not only do you not understand what you seek, but you make a plaything of something you fail to comprehend ..."[/b] At this point, she made a gentle, slow gesture towards the empty throne. [b]"That seat is not about power. It is not about glory,"[/b] slowly putting her hand back to her side, her eyes flickering between her audience, [b]"it is not about fame or riches. Only those who do not want it will deserve it, because of their humbleness, their compassion, and mercy .... pure hearts are meant to sit in these chairs .... it is a place for responsibility, to care about their people, and position that others look up to in both times of celebration and need."[/b] Her head hung for a second before letting out a soft sigh, a dramatic pause that was not planned, but it was honest. [b]"You threaten us... ignore the flaming inferno... ignore that we saved your dear priestess' life... for this."[/b] She pursed her lips, an expression of annoyance etched into her face lightly as she looked back to them. [b]"It is not us that are D'Cerf's ruin - it is this broken thing that you call a Coven.. unless fixed.. it [i]will[/i] fall."[/b] At that, her eyes went back to her childhood friend, nearly shaking her head as she looked out the window. She didn't care much of what they had to say unless it was tempered with calm thinking - and that, she doubted would happen. Their prides would not suffer a 'mercenary' speaking to them as such, even if it was true.