Otoko, Kawai ran through the building. He was sprinting, now, and was trying to find his way to the group. He was in the main-area, where the stage was, and some of the Animatronics were missing. Very much lost and deeply afraid, he ran to the nearest human sound, Kenneth. he sprinted to him, running past one of the animatronics, and tugging at his sleeve, then continuing running towards where he heard the sound of a door clanging shut. He ran through the hallway and ran into the Office, leaning on the wall with a look of fear in his eyes he had nearly never felt before. He looked out the right window where the door was shut, and clicked the light button, and saw Chica standing there with its broken jaw. He wimpered and rolled into a ball in the corner, going into a Panic Attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foxy stood in Pirate COve, waiting for when he could run and attack. A few humans decided to wander into the Pizzaria... their mistake. He let out his little laugh of "dum dum diddly dum dum..." that he had, and continuing for a little while, until he decided to peek his head of the curtain, straight into the camera that he knew the humans were watching.