The Doctor seemed to want to get going and she had to admit he was right. They couldn't just stand here midst the milling throng of convention goers. Admittedly, it wasn't as crowded as it was earlier now that it was close to closing but it was busy enough. Others were moving around them and there was a person working one of the booths casually eavesdropping. Then Richard, or rather, the one whose name she'd forgotten and suspected as being dressed as Bison from Street Fighter told her a quick story about a dwarf cleric and his ill fate. That tale sounded rather humorous, as if their particular story line was either impromptu or meant to be tongue in cheek. A god transforming someone into a small rabbit felt more like a personal insult or jest towards the player of that character than an actual plot piece. "Yeah," she admitted, tilting her head and peering down at her bare feet, her face momentarily obscured by her blond wig, "but dead is dead and it rather sucks being dead."