[quote=Magic Magnum]2. There are cases of Christians who completely dismiss the Bible mind you. So although Christianity and Marxism may be a contradiction, there are contradictions in religion all the time. It's not going to stop someone to adopt a political view that conflicts with their religion. Though granted these are in most cases the Agnostic Theists I described above, this is far less likely to happen with a Gnostic. [/quote] 1. Fair enough. But then, wouldn't it not be the fault of religion, but rather gnosticism? As for statement 2. though, I would say that completely dismissing the bible would make you more or less non-Christian. Depending on what you mean by dismissing the bible. While it's not quite the core of Christian beliefs, a Christian can more or less be considered someone who basically accepts the bible as (in some fashion) true. If somebody were to believe that the bible should be completely ignored, then they are not Christians by definition. It's not so much that I think you can't be a Communist Christian, but a Christian wouldn't be a Marxist.