How could these people just interfere like that, they clearly didn't even consider the possible ways that this could have gone wrong. Oh well, his devotion to this cause meant keeping everyone alive. Vexx got up from his shadowy spot, one hand in his pocket and the other having a death grip on his briefcase. He slowly walked towards the portal whistling his favorite [url=]tune.[/url] The cross between one place to another was uneasy, his head spun and he immediately fell to one knee. Waiting for the nausea to finish its attack Vexx got back up. Seeing everyone just dash one way, Vexx took another approach to this. He looked around and took in what he was staring at, he took in what he was smelling. [i]The salt water again, water, I can smell the rust, motor oil, blood[/i] he paused on this thought and took another whiff, [i]death.[/i] Vexx's curiosity got the better of him and instead of following the others he simply decided to go the other way. He turned and again humming his tune, hand on briefcase just kept on walking. The gun sound echoed through the corridor, Vexx quickly turned and grabbed his pistol from his holster in his jacket, pointing and aiming in the direction. [i]That came from the rest of the Knights, no screaming and only a few shots were fired. Not enough shots were fired for it to equal the amount of Knights that there were, someone from our group shot that. Good.[/i] Little footsteps were coming closer, Vexx heard them just in time and turned to see three very thin and deformed looking people. [b]"Give us the ADAM!!"[/b] they said in a very dead like state of talk. [b]"I'm sorry, I'm not from here and i don't know what this "ADAM" is. Now... Where am I"?[/b] They said nothing and just stood there. That was until they started charging, as if they did a countdown in their head, they moved at the same time. [i]Dammit, I can't take any precautions. May you find peace in the afterlife.[/i] [b]Bamn. Bamn. Bamn.[/b] Three shots, three heads and three dead bodies. Putting the gun away and looking at the three dead corpses Vexx gave a little sigh. He put his hand into his pocket grabbed out three playing cards. These cards were all a picture of the prophet with a big bloody cross along his face. He placed them gently on the bodies. This was his way of apologizing and for others to know who did it. Looking at where they came from he saw an elevator. I should get to the roof and see where about's this place is. Going into the elevator he realized he could only go down. Above the button said [b]Medical Pavillion[/b]. He clicked the button and continuing to whistle his tune from where he left off.