[center][img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/firefly_zps213f11ff.gif][/center] [quote=Anise]She was drinking from the water when she noticed a yellow light within the cavern.[/quote] The water was cool and sweet, with a wonderfully delicate taste. Immediately Anise would feel very much refreshed and clear-headed. [quote=Anise]"Um... Hello? Can you help us?"[/quote] The boy swung the light in one hand slowly back and forth, casting the light to perceive who was speaking to him. The shadows of his white mask lengthened. He crouched a little but remained where he was, silent but keenly interested in the way Randold lifted Anise to her feet, while Randold himself could only stand on one leg. [quote=Randold]After a minute of uncomfortable silence Randold decided to speak, "Do you have a name? We are not going to harm you, we only want to return home."[/quote] [quote=Hania]She settled for silence then and smiled warmly at him. She shifted her body to face him and pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.[/quote] For a long while the boy stared at Randold, and then he turned his head a fraction to look at Hania. He took a few quiet steps closer, stretching the light forward, to see the smile on her face. But there was something else he noticed, glinting in the light. He stopped, and would not move farther. He lifted his other arm and pointed at Hania. "You have an iron sigil," he told her calmly, though there was a hint of accusation in his young voice. He was pointing at Hania's rosary. "Throw it in the water, and I might consider your honesty."