Taro was having a bad day again, and he wasn't even in Deep Ground this time. He was in a box. With a cat (which wasn’t actually that bad). And, he was hiding from a bunch of guys he'd managed to piss off on his way to class. Earlier, he was walking to class. The last night, princess rainbow hadn’t showed up and he went to sleep without incident. In the morning, he saw the message that everyone apparently received from the 'Silver Jester.' Truth be told, he didn't know what to think of the message. He didn't even know who Michael Faye was, or what he looked like, and he didn't even know that Moon Rider was the name of the Black king. He also didn’t know who Silver Jester was, so he'd decided to stay out of DGO, for a little while at least. And he always made it a point to go to classes. Unfortunately, just as he was heading out of his dormitory, he saw a group of boys talking amongst themselves. This wasn't an irregular occurrence, but Taro heard the words 'black king' and was intrigued. He decided to spy on them. There were 3 of them, in a group, and looked like troublemakers, people Taro usually avoided. And they were discussing the message they received in the morning. ‘Michael is the Black King?’ One of them said to another. ‘Nah, the Black King’s avatar is a girl, isn’t it?’ He said. ‘Maybe Michael is actually a girl, in disguise.’ The third said. ‘Dude, that’s stupid.’ The first said. ‘But it makes sense, right?’ The second one said. ‘Hell no.’ The first one said. ‘Still, we should do something about it.’ The third said. ‘Huh? Why?’ The second one asked. ‘We’re cobalt Bruisers right? And if Michael is actually the Moon Rider, we need to do something about it, right?’ The third one said. ‘Hey, that’s actually smart.’ The first one said. ‘Let’s go pay him a visit.’ The third one said, grinning. Taro didn’t know why, but he couldn’t sit there and do nothing. He didn’t even know Michael, but he didn’t want to sit there either. And against his better judgement, he picked up a rock, got up from the bush he was in, and threw it in the third guy’s face. It landed squarely on his forehead and left a sizeable mark. ‘OW!’ The third guy yelled. ‘Hey!’ The second one yelled, turning towards Taro. Taro’s momentary bravado gone, he turned around and ran away. And of course, the 3 guys ran after him. Taro dashed away from the dorms, unfortunately heading towards the oval where there were no hiding spots. The people he’d accidentally pissed off chased him, trying to run him down (probably). He’d picked a really bad spot to run to as there were no hiding spots. Fortunately, he was running in the direction of what looked like an old gymnasium, what Taro didn’t know was the old gym. He sprinted towards it and arrived soon, random dudes at his heels. ‘Hey! Get back here!’ The guys said, as Taro ran around the building. He needed to lose them somehow. Run around the building then get inside, maybe fooling them. He dashed into the entrance and leaned against a wall. He could hear them running around outside. ‘Where is he?!’ One of them asked. Taro grinned. Now, all he had to do was wait. Or, that would have been the case, if the cat wasn’t there. ‘Meow.’ The cat said. Taro looked at it. It’d come from the shadows, a small white cat he couldn’t have missed. It was adorable. And it had also alerted the guys outside. ‘What was that?!’ One of them said. Desperately, Taro looked around for a hiding place. There! A pile of boxes in the corner. As quickly and quietly as possible, Taro scooped the cat up, ran to the corner and jumped into a fairly large box. He closed the lid behind him. Just in time, the 3 bruisers burst into the gym. They searched for Taro or the source of the noise as Taro sweated it out in the box. The cat was wriggling in his hands, trying to free itself. Taro’s grip slipped and the cat stood on his chest, poking its head from outside the box. ‘Meow.’ It said, greeting the guys. ‘It’s just a cat.’ One of them said. ‘Scram!’ Another yelled at the cat. The cat leapt back into the box and Taro grabbed it and tried to keep as quiet as he could. ‘He must be somewhere else.’ One of them said. Taro almost breathed a sigh of relief as the 3 guys left. His legs were weak, and he couldn’t get up. The cat squirmed out of his relaxed grip and stared at Taro. Taro decided he would stay here a while, to calm his nerves. The cat, as if sensing his intentions, curled up on Taro’s chest. Yep, there was no way he could move now. Taro’s day began with Taro missing class, in a box, with a cat, hiding from some dudes he’d managed to piss off. ‘Good way to start the day, huh.’ Taro said to the cat. ‘Meow.’ The cat said, grooming its face and then falling asleep.