Truth be told Thane had spent most of his time with the crowd zoning in and out. Large groups of people never were his strongest point, his pseudo-introverted nature making him better suited to quiet, more secluded places with small more intimate groups of people. Everyone here seemed to be out for blood, completely unreasonably bunch, the whole lot of them. His eyes rarely left Erin in this small grouping of people who was often times the epicenter of most events happening in the camp, with today being no exception. Her comments directed at Skelington seemed to be undoubtedly pointed with her completely shutting down any notion of the two of them being made for one another. Thane couldn't exactly complain about that, now could he? It was the cacophony of voices that followed Erin's input, as well as the outrage produced by the skeletal boy that bothered Thane though. Erin's leaning into his side, giving him a heads up that they'd head out now that she was done welcoming hell up to the Earth was enough to make him happy to have emerged from the cabin. [i]"Thane, come on. I'm starting to get bored just standing here. Let's find something to waste the time until the festivities tonight shall we?"[/i] she said coolly up to him, eliciting a nod and a muted grunt from the bottom of his throat. Thane draped an arm around her side, his hand resting just above her hip, his spindly fingers pressing gently into her top, the warmth from her seeming to radiate through the fabric. Thane made no comment to her about where they were going or what they would be doing, not wanting the others to be able to find them later on or to have rumors spread through the camp about the two of them. He was sure that with how friendly they'd been acting recently that there were already some suspicions about... [i]romantic entanglement[/i] between the two of them. It wasn't a rumor Thane could necessarily object to, but it wasn't one that he wanted to spread out of respect for Erin. Intimacy had always been the root of all worry with her for as long as they had been close and it certainly hadn't changed overnight, not that he couldn't notice the mild warmth the had been growing between the two of them these last few weeks. After Ate's attack, it seemed to bring down Erin's wall, or at the very least part of it. The horror in her eyes when he arrived and turned the figure of what he could only assume to be her abusive ex was still burned into his brain, the image replaying whenever he dwelled on Ate's game too long. Thane shot a glance back toward the crowd, making sure there were no obvious followers before he final spoke, feeling free to speak now that they were entering the shade of the wood that surrounded Camp Half-Blood. "I can't help but notice that lately, things between us have been..." He started, unsure of where exactly he was trying to go with this, unsure of what the implications of his words would be, "well... different." His fingers peeled back from the fabric of her shirt, his hand sliding down her side until it met her hip and left her person altogether. As he spoke, he kept walking, his pace slowing considerably as the crowd became less and less visible through the wall of trees. "Ever since Ate captured us, the air between us has been different and I'm not sure if it entirely makes sense to me." Thane turned to face her, no longer walking, and put a hand to her hip, taking a step toward her, the distance between them no more than a few inches at best. "You're the most important person in my world, Erin. What am I to you?" His voice was a whisper as he leaned in to her, the tip of his nose practically touching hers, almost as if he was daring her to lean forward.