[center][img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/M_zps3c47da98.gif][/center] The first thing Arin saw was the rodent. Both he and the animal had locked eyes the moment he stepped inside. Cautiously he walked inside, each step taken carefully and with consideration all the while his eyes focused on the animal in the cage. The lantern practically lit up the entire house, outshining the candlelight. The rodent lying in the cage had distracted the boy who had forgotten why he initially entered the hut in the first place. Within moments Arin was towering over the cage, staring deeply into the rodents eyes and taking note of it's mutilated and useless body. His face contorted in disgust at how pathetic the sight was. This animal had no purpose, no fate or destiny in this world and was merely one of an untold number souls that was born simply to die. He leaned forward, examining every inch of the creature before him. Truly it was a pitiful sight for the young sociopath. His head shot up as the boy recalled his true goal; the scissors. He whizzed around, his eyes darting all over the room before falling on the table he had seen from the window. There before him lay an instrument of tailoring and murder. Arin's thumb rubbed against the thimble on his finger as he approached the table. He made sure to avoid the hanging jellyfish. Carefully he set the lantern on the table, taking care not to re-arrange or tamper with all of the trinkets and oddities. Gently his hand caressed the scissors handles before he gripped the tool tightly in his right hand with admiration. This item was probably the closest he'll ever be to Mayloom again. Initially, Arin wanted to acquire the tailoring scissors on the table before waiting patiently for the home's owner to return in hopes of interrogating him or her. However, as the young man gripped the scissors tightly in his right hand, he turned to lay his malicious eyes on the rodent once more. It's condition a perfect example of his views on how worthless and pathetic life in this world truly was. Slowly he approached the rodents cage, crouching down so he could be at eye-level with the creature. "You poor thing" He whispered, "You poor, poor thing. God has no interest in your existence, nor does the rest of the world," The young man pondered whether or not the length of the scissors was long enough to stab the rodent within the cage. He stood up, turning around before approaching the exit. With his free hand he gripped the doorknob and shut the front door, taking a brief moment to peer outside the window to make sure there was nothing approaching the little house. He could still feel the fireflies and owls presence, which brought forth an odd feeling of warmth and comfort. The lantern really illuminated the entire room, which was a problem. Surely whoever lived here could see it from the outside. Arin took it upon himself to place the lantern underneath the table hoping to at least dim the blue light. After that was dealt with, he approached the rodents cage once more. Not wanting to waste time, he took one last look at the sorry creature before grabbing the cage with his left hand and shoving the scissors through it's bars with his right, hoping to impale the creature from the outside.