[quote=Savo] -Eien : Heavenly Host-As the girl made the suggestion of what to do, Eien pondered on what course of action the duo would make. As he ccontemplated on his decision, he wanted to take the route to the left, but he was rather interested about the light at the end of the hallway. He felt that maybe they should investigate the dim light down there first before going down the intersection, but had a bad feeling about heading down that route. He eventually decided to go down the intersection, however he needed to address what his main priority would be."We can map out the school as we go along. If we prolong trying to get bandages and such for your wound, it might cause you trouble later. We should try and deal with it as soon as possible... Lets try and investigate the intersection, as it could lead to an infirmary."Despite asserting his statement to the girl, he was willing to follow her wherever she would go, keeping a close eye on the events around them. If worse came to worse, he would take the liberty of choosing for the two, hoping that the best possible event could happen. Right now, he just had to make sure she was in good condition before they started exploring the seemingly abandoned and barren building. [/quote] And so Mayuri lead on towards the intersection, opting to take the right-hand pathway. However, she soon began to regret this decision, as a horrible, horrendous smell began to waft through the area, to the point where it was becoming unbearable. Yet Mayuri trudged on... ...only to find herself lost in shock as she turned a corner. There, splattered against the wall in a thick coat of dried blood, was what one could only assume were to be the internal organs of a person. There was no sign to indicate that these were human, however if Biology proved to be correct then they looked a lot like it. Many of the guts that'd spilled to the floor were in the process of decay and were swarming with maggots, and the hall in which they were going had a long trail of dried blood. It was as though he or she were dragged against the floor and slammed into the wall at such a speed that the person was splattered... Beneath a pile of intestines was what looked to be a student ID folder, though it was hard to tell as it was almost completely covered over in dried blood.