(Gonna make another character) [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140904235836/bleach-rp/images/4/40/Anime-guy-with-black-hair-and-red-eyes-rwseh5kv.jpg] Name: Dante Shivona Age: 19 Gender: Male Role: Other - Shadow Side: queens side (Not by choice) Personality/Bio: Dante was sold to the queen when he was a child, he had been taken from his parents and sold as a servant. the queen took interest in him and he ended up working close to her as time went on she made sure he was trained to fight and so on. Dante was forced to do the queens dirty work like assassinate anyone she felt werent loyal and also to protect her when her knight(s) werent around. even though he has sided with the queen with no choice of his own, he enjoys spending time with the white queen, the mad hatter and all those. but when things come down to it hell have to be by the queens side. Dante has a way to manipulate shadows and also move through them.