[center][b][i]Valentin Schwarzwald[/b][/i][/center] --- Valentin quickly piled into the elevator with the others, before mashing as many buttons as he could even after Kennedy had already punched in a button. It would seem like he was just trying to play a cruel joke on Kennedy and the others by forcing them to go through all those floors. But reality was, nobody knew [b]exactly[/b] where they were, so they'd have to either search all floors for a clue or just go past all of them, to take a quick peek to see which one was the most interesting. Val figured that the last option was probably the best. Though, it did seem all of the floors eventually led up to the big fireworks of the floors -- the Medical Pavillion. It seems the interesting stuff would be going on down there. [b]Ping![/b] They stopped at the first floor, which seemed to be just another empty hallway with bloodsplatters and turned over medical beds. It didn't seem interesting enough to hop off. Val simply looked at Kennedy and smiled, trying to tell her he had a plan regarding pressing all the buttons. [b]Ping![/b] Another floor, almost at the medical pavillion. It would be two more floors. Once again, nothing interesting. Well, unless you counted the ADAM-crazed idiots standing around on the floor. Once they spotted the door opening, they seemed both scared and angry at the same time. It was only when the door already started closing that they tried to charge towards the elevator, but it was already too late. The only noticeable thing for the Knights would be the banging of their weapons agains the elevator doors. Once again Valentin smiled, waving away Kennedies and the others' concerns and likely annoyance at Val for pressing all the bloody buttons. [b]P-pin...[/b] It seemed that this floor hadn't gotten a maintenance check for a while with the pinger being broken. It seemed to be the floor below the Medical Pavillion and nothing was remarkable about it, except for the fact that one of the rooms had lights in it. Something was illuminating this room, casting shadows on the floor before the doors. Valentin couldn't quite make out what they were but they were definetely humans, argueing, and there were weapons involved. Valentin looked at the rest of the Knights, questioning who would step out to go see what was in that room. [b]“Nobody? Okay, guess it'll be me then.”[/b] he said as he waved goodbye to the Knights. [b]“But you have to promise to wait for me at the Medical Pavillion, guys. Or else I'll be sad.”[/b] he grinned as he walked towards the doors, where the figures had probably head Valentin's deep voice. The shadows started moving a bit and seemed more nervous than they were just a second ago. Valentin reached the door, and simultaneously the elevator doors closed. Peering inside the doorway, though, Valentin saw two guards and some doctor looking guy. They noticed Valentin too, obviously, cause the doctor stepped backwards and the two guards took aim. [b]“Reveal yourself!”[/b] they yelled, and Valentin stepped into the open. It was probably stupid of him to do that. But Valentin wouldn't be Valentin if he didn't do stupid. Slowly he walked closer, the guards becoming more nervous with every step. And then he sprung into action, once he got close enough to be able to cross the distance with a quick jump. He jumped forwards and grabbed one of the guards, quickly pushed him towards the other guard -- who by now reacted by emptying his clip. Unluckily for them the guard that got pushed between the two got hit by [b]all[/b] of the bullets and sunk to the ground. The only response Val got from the left-over guard was him aiming at Val's head, pulling the trigger and.. [i]Click, click, click..[/i] Valentin started laughing like crazy. [b]“You stupid idiot. Never empty your clip!”[/b] he yelled before grabbing the man's head and dragging him to one of the pods that seemed to occupy this room. He started banging the man's head against the pod until he heard the skull crack, only releasing him then. The man wasn't dead but he was knocked out for sure -- likely he'd have lasting damage to his face too as his nose didn't look too good from the constant beating either. The only one left was the doctor. Valentin approached him and he cowered back, but then something caught Valentin's eye. One of the pods was still active, and there was some.. lady? She was stuck inside and seemed to be paying attention to the whole scene. Valentin was glad he got atleast someones attention, because Kennedy had hogged all the cinematic kills earlier. He tapped the glass -- against aquarium regulations -- and looked over at the doctor, who was still scared speechless. [b]“Is she dead? Or is she some sort of fish-human hybrid? Can you open the pod?”[/b] The doctor seemed to be.. astonished by the fact that Valentin had proven to be not as bad as the killing had made him seen. But the strange personality change was worrying at the least. But the doctor stepped forward, the worrying expression not leaving his face, but atleast he made an effort to seem less worried. He started punching in commands to a console in the area while Valentin walked closer. He looked at what the doctor was writing and smiled at him. [b]“Thanks.”[/b] he said when he grabbed the doctors head, smashed it against the console which then broke into pieces, keyboard pieces flying all over the place as they broke off. If the doctors' commands weren't enough to open the pod, the breaking of the console might just do the trick. Atleast the doctor wasn't dead. Valentin backed off and looked at the pod from a distance, trying to see if anything would happen to it.