Mitsuru walked to the door frame and looked at Sandra with a smile. "I'll check with the supervisor on that one." Mitsuru said jokingly to Sandra who was hoping to get paid more. "Anyways just take care of each other and remember..." Mitsuru looked determined "...Your not just a bunch of people stuck in a team, your family. Treat each other kindly." Mitsuru said as she walked out of the room. Rustling was heard coming from the bed as Nato started waking up. "Huh? Wheres Mitsuru-Senpai? Did she leave already?" Nato said confused as he then cringed in pain from when he hit is head. " my head is killing me." Nato looked over to see the girl sitting next to him. "You must be a member of Xeno Squad correct? Nato said as he then pulled out a red box of candy that read "Jack Spicers" he opened it up as he picked out one of the red candies and ate them unphased by the spice.