Alana sighed, flopping down onto her bed. What a busy day! Her 22-year-old brother just got dropped off at college. How emotional! Quickly, the girl changed into her pajamas and fell asleep quickly, dreams forgotten. When she woke up, she felt odd. More mature? No. This was an unsettling feeling. Maybe someone broke in? No, the alarms would be screeching if someone did. Maybe she was dreaming? Who knew. Getting out of bed, she went to her parents room, where a bloodcurdling shriek could be heard. --- Emi woke up the next morning in an alley, next to her smashed cell phone and now empty wallet. Great, she thought. Picking up her phone and wallet, she began to walk home. Odd, nobody was out. This wasn't normal. Ahead of her she saw the two people who had obviously mugged her last night. As she approached them, she saw her money and driver's license in one of their outstretched hands. Snatching it up, she kept walking, shouting the occasional "Hello?" or "Anyone here?" on her way to the the tiny home that belonged to her parents and (not so much) herself.