Hibiscus took a step back, a brow raised. "Do we really have time to--oh." Hibiscus imagined that machines took a lot of time and effort to make, or rebuild. It was not so with Serenity's machine. As soon as the girl began to talk about redesigning the thing, the necromancer thought that the pilot was daft. Surely their task was quite simple, and could be conducted more quickly on foot than it could be waiting for a machine to be rebuilt. Instead, Hibiscus learned that there was technology beyond her comprehension. It appeared as if by the girls thought, or by magic, the machine itself began to shift and reform itself. In moments it was a larger lower vessel, capable of taking on many passengers. The hound stepped onboard first, sniffing around the seats of the passenger area. Then Hibiscus followed shortly after, choosing a spot near the door. The hound would hop up and sit on the seat beside her. "Cozy..." She thought aloud. She felt unsettled. [i]'What the hell is this thing made out of? And what could possibly be fueling it?'[/i]. She didn't like not knowing. Could it collapse and reform? Crushing them while they were still inside? It was clear that within 'the belly of the beast' she was completely in Serenity's power. Hibiscus did not like being under another's power... Tools appeared in her hand, the machine responding to her every thought and need. Did it respond to her emotions? What would the machine do if she became distressed? [i]So, why join this MCP thing in the first place?[/i] she teased herself. She crossed her ams, settling back into the seat, trying to look relaxed. [i]'Maybe it is not a machine',[/i] she thought, [i]Maybe it is something else disguised as a machine[/i]. She touched her armrest, experimentally.