While the shots did indeed cripple the Djinn, Packston's blow decked it, but did not kill it. The Djinn was for all purposes knocked out cold. Lee's shot did miss as the Djinn was decked. However, a horde of ten ghouls came around. To counter the attack, a drone airstrike countered the enemies, killing them all in one fell swoop. An Anthroid or SHANK unit was responsible for the drone strike, with the machine controlling the drone and sending it back to the base. The group was safe to meet in the Little Lady. Their new friend was coming along. Center radioed once again as the robot trooper took the unconscious Djinn in along with the weapons. "Don't worry, he's friendly! Meet our new ally, Unit AS-556J2K, or call him J2K for short." "Salutation: Greetings! I am one of the Anthroid units deployed for the purpose of assisting ParaCom in its many endeavors." Once the Little Lady returned to base, promotions would be granted. "The mission was an exemplary performance! Everyone gets promotions. William, you are now Lieutenant for you working hard to protect the new meat. As for the rest except our unconscious cargo, Corporal rank! I'll take full responsibility from here on" J2K and Center hauled both the Djinn and the unconscious Xue Liu. Xue was to be reassigned to an upcoming ParaCom base in China, with China requesting that they build a ParaCom base there. The rational with Center's agreement was that one base was for West and the other for East. "Make yourselves at home. Celebrate the victory." Center has a feeling that the new artifacts and materials would help in turning the tide against ParaCom's nemesis, the Head of Death. Miraculously, the Head didn't appear to hamper the mission. Center then focused with J2K to do research with the Head Scientist Dr. Semyonov. All weapons fragments were being recovered by the "clean up crews" responsible for after mission duties. From here, the group can get to know each other better if they so please. Mission Accomplished.